Is The 4th Dimension Just a Euphemism? (Chapter Two)

The 4th Dimension, Is it Just a Euphemism?

Chapter Two

The almost universal dictionary definition of euphemism is: “The substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one that is considered to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.”

Don't be offended, it's just a word.

“Euphemism” is the word to which I awakened this morning, having gone to bed knowing that I would be starting chapter two today. Is that what the 4th dimension is, merely euphemistically expressing something …and if so, in place of what?

I asked if I was supposed to write about the word “euphemism” and to what was it being applied?

In the context of the foregoing definition, the “4th dimension” may, itself, be an offending term to certain folks who tend to be suspicious of it, because (like me) they don’t understand it. In the previous section (or chapter, depending upon where you are reading this), I interposed a couple of quotes from some things Albert Einstein had written which I admitted I didn’t understand.

The generally accepted origin of the term, again, “4th dimension,” is Einstein’s “theory of relativity,” which I like to point out is hardly “theory” when you view it through the lens of an atomic blast or other evidence of nuclear power.

Don't be offended, it's just a word.

In order to understand where we are going with all of this, we have to understand that quantum physics (or now, more commonly, “quantum mechanics”) is an outgrowth of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and is a branch of physics and is the scientific study of sub-atomic particles.

Now, in my mind, in order to clearly communicate here, we have to understand that quantum mechanics is a study of those things which we cannot see even with a microscope …and, therefore, at least in this non-scientific writer’s view, can be fairly described as “stranger than fiction” and “other dimension” …a “4th dimension” euphemism in place of other terms which may have negative emotional attachments which impede meaningful communication.

Further, it will be helpful to understand that if the “4th dimension” is descriptive of quantum mechanics (albeit euphemistically), then we must also remember that much of it is proven via scientific experimentation.

We also need to remember that much of what goes on in the subatomic world has been proven true, and in some cases is newly discovered. In other words, the known scientific facts of today are at variance from the known scientific facts of yesterday. …and from which fact we might reasonably conclude what is “proven scientifically” today will most likely be superseded again and again in the future.

Don't be offended, it's just a word.

Now then, if we can agree that all I mean by the “4th dimension” is that arena of reality which cannot be seen with our physical eyes and which we (at least in my case) cannot even reason through with our conscious minds; we’ll begin looking at it from a perspective by which we can employ it for effectively pursuing “success” in any area of human endeavor including, but not limited to, the arts, business, religion and sports (in alphabetical order).

Having said all the above, what this series is all about is helping us realize four very important factors:
everyone already operates at this 4th dimension level at least subconsciously;
Two, we can expand our “vibratory,” instinctive levels of doing so;
Three, we can be more conscious of the existence of the 4th dimension, AND,
Four, how to access it to accomplish whatever it is for which we have been given a passion.

Don't be offended, it's just a word.

I have long been fascinated by the myriad number of things that species, which are supposedly not as highly developed as human beings, are so far superior in what they are able to do.

Four examples come to mind: The ability to grow limbs which have been cut off; seeing and hearing things, which are beyond our ability to see and hear; immediate communication between migratory birds that make them move as one; and the homing instinct prevalent in certain animals and birds that defies both logic and imagination.

Asking why and pursuing knowledge in this arena seems to just explain our limitations. We cannot consciously think our way into having the same abilities. In the 4th dimension however, we will discover some effective ways of increasing some of these latent abilities.

Living and operating in the 4th dimension, the way I’m using the term, does not require study or knowledge – in fact, minute study and knowledge seems to be a deterrent, to effectively accessing the SOURCE behind this “other world.”

Love is just a word we associate with...? So don't be offended.

For now, just be aware, more aware than ever before, that the 4th dimension exists and that it is the realm in which everything is possible.

Okay, we’ve had two chapters of background …ready to take a trip in and experience the wonders of the land of the 4th dimension?

Coming right up!

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