Without Faith It Is Impossible (The Black and White Interlude)

Brad Cullen

Without Faith It Is Impossible

(The Black and White Interlude)

Anyone who knows me, that is, really knows me, knows that I refuse to argue about any number of things. Not because I believe I’m right, but rather because I believe it doesn’t matter what I believe except that I am not supposed to judge the beliefs of anyone else.

That being said, the belief systems of any of us tend to lock us into positions of what we believe to be true and what we believe to be false. What I am called and, yes, chosen to write is different from that of many in only one respect: I challenge people to go directly, that is, bypass any and every religious leader or system, to the SOURCE, the SPIRIT-PARENT of us all to get their confirmation and correction. Particularly go beyond anything Brad Cullen writes to see if it is right for you and that for right NOW, this moment.

Go Direct to the Source of All Answers!!!

The words that shook me into consciousness this morning were these: “Faith is neither ritual nor statement of belief, but rather a persistent pursuit of I AM, until I AM is realized.”

As I have pursued our SPIRIT-PARENT since “hearing” these words this morning as to just what, if anything, I am supposed to do with them (frankly they sounded like perfect fodder for a Being Jesus part 20), but I keep hearing “INTERLUDE.”

The Ah-HAH moment – here is what I am supposed to write NOW: Years ago, when I was still encouraging people to come to me for “counseling,” a couple called for an appointment to talk about their perceived spiritual problem. Their daughter, a precocious four year-old, wanted to have a baby brother. The problem? Mommy had been permanently “fixed” …as she described it: “My tubes were not merely tied they’ve been cut and so it’s impossible.”

“So, what is the problem?” I asked.

“Well, we’re bringing her up to pray in faith and she is praying continually for a baby brother and I don’t want to tell her it’s impossible…” her sentence drifted into a meaningful silence.

My next question was simply what had they decided to do about it and she told me that was what was really disturbing her… they had already told Susie that it was impossible, “but she is still praying constantly for a baby brother.”

Careful what you hold onto, you might get surprised!

Which is it you want, I asked, with a laugh, your daughter to have faith or you not to have another child? She stammered at that one, saying, “But it’s impossible!”

To which I remember saying, “I’d be careful about holding onto that thought.”

Something else I remember …the couple jokingly telling me a year later, that this was “my” baby. Fast-forward: the boy was a monster, a behavioral disaster, a disruptive/destructive brat.

I had occasion to ask Susie when she was around ten if she had ever regretted praying for a brother. She admitted it, and with a thoughtful look that belied her years, said it made her realize how important it was to be careful how you pray.

I just told Daddy that this story is a dead-end and I was instructed that it was an open door to the title he had given me, Without Faith It Is Impossible …(The Black and White Interlude).

Without faith it is impossible to what? The statement has a context …a certain kind of faith without which it is impossible to please God. I’m merely quoting, folks, but oh how I believe it and I especially believe that if we don’t get the context we miss one of the most vital messages in the entire Bible.

If “pleasing God” is a worthwhile goal to pursue, it seems to me that we might want to hold up to scrutiny each and every belief, every ritual, particularly those which we hold to be sacrosanct.

But wait a minute, isn’t “pleasing God” stated as a “worthwhile goal” exposing something I believe as sacrosanct …that is, defined as being too important to discard?

I was just reminded that I once did a word-study on “pleasing” as used in the referenced passage and seeing that in the original language that it actually means “accessing” which puts a whole different light (at least to me) on the subject.

Is that what it means, that is, to “please God,” actually mean gaining access to God? I get a resounding “yes” …that means, for me, then, that it really is too important to discard.

Now that I am firmly locked into that posture, I can only suggest that you may want to ask to get your own interpretation and I will simply get busy writing what I am being instructed to write.

Back to the question, what kind of faith?

Well, let’s look at it in context. It concerns a guy by the name of Enoch who because of his faith (mind you) never experienced death! Again, I ask you, what kind of faith?

We found Enoch, does this mean he wasn't pleasing to God?

It was by faith that Enoch was taken to heaven so he would not die. He could not be found, because God had taken him away. Before he was taken, the Scripture says that he was a man who truly pleased God. Without [this kind of] faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him [with HIS own method of death avoidance]. [Brad’s amplification]

I just lifted the immediate foregoing paragraph off an article on the website, www.spiritualhealingsource.com (you can read it in its entirety by going to the top menu bar and clicking on the tab “Brad On” then scrolling down the topic index and clicking on “Extreme Faith”) and I am strongly suggesting that if you know anyone who has an “incurable disease” which has been pronounced “terminal” by a doctor and you feel prompted by our SPIRIT-PARENT …get them to go there and at the bottom of the article there are two pod-casts (phone conservations recorded by Ryan Bruce) which have been known to bring healing to many people.

If the Source doesn't know, just ask your supervisor.

I have to admit that I hate the sound of my own voice …and I just cringed while listening to both of them, but I well remember the testimonies of people from all over the world (literally) who were healed because of it. Nuts to my embarrassment! Thank you Daddy for leading me back to YOU through this INTERLUDE …draw others to find YOU NOW –

Note: Ryan and I state without equivocation in these pod-casts that nobody needs us or this website, but it has produced the marvelous point of its purpose: A signpost so people can bypass us and go directly to the SOURCE of LIFE and healing.

Closing hint: When the first podcast is finished click on the back button of your browser and it will take you back to the links in the article …click on part 2 and it will immediately start.

2 Responses to "Without Faith It Is Impossible (The Black and White Interlude)"

  • Viola says:
  • Ryan Bruce says:
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