Aug 11
To Do Or Not to Do? …that is the question! (Being Jesus Part X)
To Do Or Not to Do?…that is the question.
(Being Jesus Part X)
What now? When considering whether to be Jesus I may I want to also consider something he said as part of the equation:
“This new commandment I give you: Love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart and soul and treat your neighbor exactly the way you want to be treated.”
Of course, he leveled the playing field by explaining that the most hated race of people, from the standpoint of your culture, is your neighbor.
Killing them off is not the acceptable way of following the commandment, wouldn’t you say?
I never cease to be amazed by what particular folks among the religious right who claim to follow Jesus say; this one is the standout of all time: “My pastor said that the problem with our country and world at large is that we’ve forgotten the commandment, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
I would say that’s exactly why we are in Afghanistan under all sorts of crazy rationale and in dozens of other countries plying the same reasoning, but in a clandestine manner so that it doesn’t make headlines or waves, because unless you know someone at the CIA you don’t even know we are “invading” those countries as well (just not officially).
Again, Jesus said something far different related to this exact maxim: “It was said of old, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,’ but I say to you, love your enemies, do good things for those who heap abuse on you” and so forth.
In the context of that kind of revolutionary idea, came, “What is the point of calling me ‘Lord’ if you don’t do what I tell you to do” and he went on to graphically illustrate that there is no point whatsoever.
That’s why I feel free to say, “Those who claim to be followers” (and they do this by insisting upon calling themselves “Christians”) of Jesus set standards that have very little to do with Jesus who, after all, is the one they say they are following.
Hey, folks, some of the things he said to do are impossible to do, without a strong commitment to do them. Just one simple “for instance” …if somebody slaps the left side of your face, offer to let them have a go at the right side as well. I admit that if you slap me, my reflexes take over. Granted, after I have knocked you down and then kicked you, I am really sorry that I blew it again. Just one more failure to do something he said to do.
The above is just one reason I have such a respect for Martin Luther King and Mohandas Gandhi …by their commitment to do exactly this, they both had a huge impact that changed America and India respectively and, for that matter the whole world as well.
Let me reiterate something he didn’t say to do, but to which I point all the time. He didn’t say to go to “worship services” and sit and listen to powerless, pointless drivel. He didn’t say to fall down and worship him either; no, he didn’t say that at all. He did tell us to believe enough to be who he was and do what he did and how to get to the point of believing enough …sadly not many seem to want to listen.
Okay, Ryan, how is that for complying with your edict to stop pussyfooting around and write stuff only that is fitting for the “no bull zone” (?) For those of you who are new to this website “Ryan” is Ryan Bruce, the CEO of the publishing company that produces Brad Cullen books and Ryan personally sponsors, all at his own expense, this website (
He chides me at times for being less than clear. Am I being clear?
Actually, one of the clearest things I believe I have ever written, if you can stand just a bit more, about some of the things I’ve said here … go to the menu bar at the top and click on the tab “Brad On” …then scroll down to the unlikely title, “Healing and Being Christ-like” – it is a short read, and I’ve received many favorable comments about how it cleared “bunches of things up for me” is how a guy in Nova Scotia put it recently.
Try it, you may like it. If you don’t, write me with your gripes.
Podcast 73 Being Jesus part 10 To be or not