Jul 11
Why Must You Never Forget this One Thing?
(Being Jesus Part VI …YOUR Very Own Virgin Birth)
Act 1 of 2
Drum roll, music …and the answer is: Because this one thing is the key to absolutely everything else.
Think about whatever it is you feel in need of most. Go ahead, make a mental list and then prioritize your list; what are numbers 1, 2 and 3?
This one thing is the key to getting all three and everything else …and I’ll make a bet that this one thing is nowhere on that list! I’m being reminded how important it is to remember, always, that to accomplish anything meaningful to me, while housed in this body bag, I must also remember something else, besides this one thing.
Okay, yeah, one more drum roll, music please!
Now remember this isn’t this one thing, this is besides this one thing. We could remember the famous riddle, “what came first, the chicken or the egg?” Because, actually, it doesn’t matter …the chicken and the egg just are …both one and the same. Arguing about it is like arguing about whether this chaos about us is a result of evolution or creation, via one “big bang,” or otherwise.
If I can take us back to the most recent article and podcast (#68): In that podcast I asked Ryan something that went way over his head …sorry, Mr. Bruce, but that’s just my crude way of saying you were preoccupied with more important matters; I asked him, “did you notice further down in the article my reference to your virgin birth?” …he missed it because, of course, his mind was on weightier matters. What about you, did you miss it?
Again, THIS TIME, PAY ATTENTION, DANGIT, “That is the virgin birth for you and just as Jesus came into maturity and the fullness of our SPIRIT-PARENT having full control of him, so it shall be for you.”
Some of you may remember the story I told about the businessman who confronted me with, “I suppose you are one of those born-again Christians,” followed almost immediately with, in a disgusted-sounding tone: “Every time I’ve been screwed in business, it has been by somebody who refers to himself as a ‘born-again’ Christian!”
As a footnote to that little exchange, that man, Peter, and I later became close friends and business partners.
Why did I go off onto that little bit of memory lane? Because it really is germane …we get so lost in terms (in this instance “born again”) and the different meaning different people place upon them that we fail to communicate.
This is about your opportunity to experience the virgin birth, YOUR virgin birth …which means we have to also repeat the chicken and egg metaphor – it doesn’t matter what you call anything!
I go through all these long-winded diatribes because you are not ready to hear the truth until your mind is prepared to accept it without placing your own unconscious labels.
So, what is the referenced additional thing to this one thing, when I arrogantly don’t think you’re ready for either? The additional thing is a promise that came out of the mouth of Jesus: “Nothing shall be impossible to any individual who believes enough.” That’s literally what he said and here’s a bit more arrogance, AND FEW SO-CALLED “BELIEVERS” BELIEVE IT!
It doesn’t matter because they are intertwined, they are ONE.
Act 2 of 2
“Drowning In Troublesome Truth
We begin by saying something everyone has heard and knows to be true: Thousands of people over three feet tall have drowned in bodies of water which have an average depth of only three inches.
Statistics and averages can help provide significant tracking-help in any number of endeavors including, but not limited to science, business and sports.
Depending upon mathematical equations as ultimate truth, exclusive of other empirical data, can also lead us to a false sense of security and that, sometimes, of dangerous proportions.
We’ve all been exposed to any number of slogans based on truth; the truth gets obscured, however, in any number of life situations when the slogans are misapplied.
Knowledge based on the fact that a tomato is a fruit, doesn’t mean it demonstrates wisdom to put a tomato in a fruit salad.
I’ve proved to my own satisfaction, from experience, that certain promises which issued forth out of the mouth of Jesus are true, absolutely true, but not if they are misapplied.
Let me give you what to me is an excellent example. Millions of people who profess to believe in Jesus as being “the Christ” end their prayers with, “In the name of Jesus, amen” and some of these, if not most, don’t have a belief or even a hope that their praying will provide any meaningful results. Somehow, however, they go through the motions apparently thinking they’ve done the “right” thing.
The behavior is based on Jesus saying, as portrayed in English, “Whatever you ask in my name, will be given to you.”
How, you may ask, is this misapplying what he said? Because, the word “name” in the original language, in this particular instance, means “in the authority and character of” …I was challenged, while sharing with a group of college students, by one of them asking me why they should pay any attention to what I had to say about praying. Specifically she said, “I mean how do you pray any differently than I do?
The question was put to me in such a hostile tone I felt driven to ask silently, with no little desperation, “Yikes how do I respond to that?”
The answer scared me worse than her hostility and that hostility proved to be fierce! I almost said out loud what I was feeling after I got the answer …a sinking “oh no” feeling. I knew I was supposed to say it to her and the rest of the group that totaled around fifty students.
I gulped and said a silent “help” …I knew it would sound arrogant, but I went ahead and practically blurted it out:
“I’ll tell you the difference. When I pray I know that what I pray will come into being. When you pray, you don’t.”
As any reasonable person might expect, this did not reduce her hostility, in fact it inflamed it! About ten minutes later she exploded verbally and then picked up her things and stormed out of the classroom, slamming the door behind her.
What she did was marvelous. The professor later reported to me that she told him she went home and locked herself in her bedroom and got serious with our SPIRIT-PARENT and said, “How come that horrid man (that would be me) gets answers to his prayers and I don’t?”
She was on her knees, she told him, beside her bed pounding on it with her fists for two hours, demanding to know how to pray – until she, all of a sudden realized that she had just been healed of the disease with which she had recently been diagnosed by her family physician and that was going to force her to quit school for at least a semester and maybe longer.
I love to tell that story. Because she learned the most wonderful lesson in the world that any human being can learn and not from me, that is, how to get results by demanding them (exactly how Jesus taught to go about “praying”).
She hadn’t even asked for healing …she was just ticked off at me for upsetting her well-honed, religious doctrine about how to pray and the way she had been “praying” all of her life and spent two hours getting her new training directly from the SOURCE.
This, friends, is being Jesus …go and do likewise! Podcast 71 Your Virgin Birth