Spiritual Medication Is Not For Everyone!

Brad Cullen

Spiritual Medication – An Interlude

Since I didn’t know the guy, I thought it was an interesting question: “May I ask what prescriptions you take?”

I could have just given my reaction, “That’s none of your business,” but he was really being pleasant and didn’t seem to mean anything untoward by the question.

So I just answered, “None.”

I guess he caught some curtness in my tone, so he apologized before asking me another question, “I know this is rather personal, but you seem to almost radiate good health and I’m guessing you’re in your sixties, and I don’t know anyone over fifty who doesn’t take some medication and I guess I wanted to know if you were taking something.”

I had just finished swimming fifty laps at the community pool and he had been sitting at one of the tables under a canopy and I assume had been simply observing.

So, I decided to have a little fun with him. “I’m going on eighty and I radiate good health for several reasons, I believe one of them is that I take a spiritual elixir that keeps me out of the way of doctors and their proclivity to write prescriptions.”

This is where Brad holds his Sunday Bible studies.

“You’re kidding,” he said.

“About what?” …I asked, since my multifaceted response gave him several options.

“About being eighty,” he responded, “I’d swear you don’t look even 65 and I’m 58 and I couldn’t begin to keep up with what you just did in the pool. You were going strong when I got here and that was over an hour ago.”

“You’re being kind, but thanks and why do you think you can’t do it?”

“I have so many aches and pains I can barely get out of bed in the morning.”

“Well, since you’ve asked me a couple of personal questions, let me ask you one …by the way…. ” we drifted into introductions.

“Would you like to get over your pains, Sheldon?”

“That’s not as easy as you might think, I have …” –he began going through a litany of health problem labels.”

I asked if I should say what I was thinking and got the go ahead: “I’m going to be blunt, I’m a writer and most of my stuff is about healing power and spiritual healing and I’ve seen people, a lot worse off than what you are suggesting about yourself, Sheldon, be totally healed. But, you know, I didn’t ask you what caused all your pains; I just asked if you would like to get over them. If you could get over them with just a snap of the fingers, would you want to?”

I almost fell out of the chair, which I had taken to sit next to him, at his words. “I don’t believe anything in the Bible.”

“Who in the hell said anything about the Bible, do you want to get past your pains or not?”

“Yeah, well I can see I shouldn’t have started this conversation.”

“Why is that?” I asked, now grinning.

What's going on on the inside?

“Because you don’t understand…”

“Perhaps I do, but I do have to go now, maybe I’ll see you again, it was nice meeting you.”

“Yeah, you too” …sounding like he wasn’t a bit glad about our little encounter, and without even the hint of a smile.

Why did I get into all that, Dad, I grumbled, walking back home from the pool. “Write it out and you’ll see,” was the answer. So I just now called Ryan Bruce and read what I have written to this point and asked if he wanted me to write whatever Dad gave me to finish it and send it along for him to post as an interlude before the next segment of Being Jesus.

He told me to send it and be ready for a phone call …I was laughing so hard at what this conversation with Sheldon triggered in him – I told him to bottle it for the phone call – a totally different reaction than I had anticipated.

Okay, Daddy, what now?

The thought burning in me is what I wish the man had asked and that is: What is the spiritual elixir? I had no idea what I would have said to him …no, that’s not quite true, I know pretty much what I would have said to him, but what do I write now?

I received an e-mail from a lady the other day, the first and only time I have ever seen a response from her…

We all could use a hand now and then.

Brad, it is hard to believe, but what you wrote about the declaration you speak continually has changed my life. “Moment by moment, day by day, I’m getting better and better in every way” …it works.

I wrote back asking for details …nothing as yet, but I’m hoping. That’s not the spiritual elixir I was thinking of telling Sheldon about this morning at the pool, but what I’m supposed to say right now, is what my elixir is and what yours is comes from the same SOURCE, mine works for me, but Sheldon apparently didn’t believe there were any alternatives for him.

I don’t know what he was reacting to; Ryan has something to say about it, or at least did earlier. What I have to say is simple: Why I write is to help people believe in alternative possibilities to sickness and death – those possibilities are myriad and they happen every day.

But rarely to people who refuse to consider the possibility. Podcast 69 Spiritual Medication

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