Do You Worship Jesus – Should You?

Worshiping Jesus is like panning for Gold, all you get is a sore back and a few nuggets.

Do You Worship Jesus – Should You?

Based on what Jesus said …and now hear this: “Is a disciple above his master?” What he went on to say is that when a disciple is fully formed he should be exactly like his master.

The challenge that comes out of making Jesus-the-man an icon of worship is that it takes away from the true responsibility of discipleship as defined by Jesus. Let’s repeat that one more time.

Being exactly like Jesus …or, if you’ve read some of my previous meanderings – the call from Jesus is much deeper – to be Jesus.

We miss the point of everything Jesus said to do and be when we release ourselves from the discipline of Jesus to promote an advance working out of “every knee shall bow.” This is not the time for worship; it is the time to be something that is impossible to be under our own power.

That’s a double edged sword because it sounds like I’m letting us off the hook easily, because we cannot do it on our own steam, so to speak. It takes a power beyond us is what is implied. I agree, how I said it implies exactly that.

We need to look at it differently – the purpose for Jesus’ coming was not to be worshiped, but to be an example …he said that, I’m only repeating it in plain old English.

Anyone who believes enough – and the operative word, directly from the original language, really is enough (says Jesus), will do and say what he did and said – because, just like Jesus those who so believe enough will not be doing and saying anything on their own. In fact, it won’t be them doing and saying, it will be the SPIRIT-PARENT in-them both saying and doing.

Are we getting it yet? If you are wringing your hands wondering how to achieve such marvelous spiritual heights, please pay attention to the following underpinning fact to the thesis.

It all begins with how Jesus said to interact with BWOTON = “God” By Whatever Other Title Or Name – for Pete’s sake it’s just an acronym, but one that could provide a great amount of freedom from slavery to any of the myriad facets of a ridiculous argument about the “proper” names of God.

Is this a key or just more of Brad's Rantings?

Okay, so I got off-point for a moment. That being how to interact with the one who created everything – demand and command what is being revealed to you as truth, direct from SPIRIT-PARENT, to be brought into existence on the physical plane. That is what Jesus did and what he laid out for us to do. Yes, there are other modalities of “prayer” that Jesus exhibited and we are free to indulge in any and all, but not to the exclusion of this one. The point missed by so many related to what Jesus taught about interacting with our Daddy/Mommy/Spirit (without the resident gender we’ve erroneously placed on him/her/it) is to continue beating on SPIRIT-PARENT’s door and demanding more UNTIL you get more of that self-same SPIRIT-PARENT residing in you.

What some miss, again, is that this is a discipline Jesus practiced continually each day; and several times each day. Can we begin to get off the notion that we are above Jesus in this regard? If Jesus had to do it daily and then some, doesn’t it make sense to pay attention to what he said about the matter instead of listening to a bunch of watered down claptrap about “praying” that accomplishes nothing?

I have just gone through a week of one-to-one lectures about my proclivity to raise a flag of anti-Christianity – the point of the lecture was to urge me to just say what I have to say and never mind putting down the religious establishment.

How do we worship, should we worship?

I’m trying, honestly, but I’m being shown that there is a time and a place to demonstrate contrasts as a means to get a point across. This is that time and place.

If all your, “in the name of Jesus,” praying gets less results than you think optimal, begin telling our Daddy/Mommy that you want more of HER/HIM/IT residing in you UNTIL you know you have broken through.

Trust me, just as Jesus did it, again, daily and then some, and then more again, and just as Jesus discovered, the more you get the more you need. It was never ending for him it is never ending for anyone determined to BE him.

Got it? I sure hope so. During my last conversation with Ryan Bruce, he indicated he might like to record our conversation about this topic – probably to clear up all the mud I left on it. Podcast 65 June 17 2011 Should you be worshiping Jesus?

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