Reversing the Process of Aging

Part Six…the alternatives

Ryan Bruce caught on film, crazy huh?

Time to ask some questions – first up, why on earth would Ryan Bruce, publisher of Brad Cullen books and sponsor/webmaster of this website, publish and post some of the crazy seeming series and articles that I write? I mean, reversing the process of aging sounds pretty bizarre does it not?

Somebody, the other day, said that I don’t believe the Bible. I was so surprised by his statement that it wasn’t until later that I thought of what I should have said (but didn’t), which was, I certainly don’t believe how he was interpreting the Bible, but then that is part of our modern day challenge …we have literally thousands of different sects all claiming that their particular and often diametrically opposed belief systems are based on the same Bible.

So, no, I probably don’t believe the Bible in the same way anyone else does, it’s a big book and, therefore, I have to say, so what? Why am I bringing this up at this particular time? Because I happen to think the Bible can be a valuable spiritual resource, but it loses all value, in my not so humble opinion, when we decide it is God’s final word. Oh please let me explain, dear friends.

You see — the primary obstacle that kept me from experimenting and experiencing the SOURCE of everything for twenty-seven years was my continuous argument, discounting all religious beliefs, because I reasoned, how can I believe what one individual believes about “God” when somebody else believes something totally inconsistent with what the other guy is saying?

Can you put your face in this picture? Do you want to?

What liberated me from viewing the Bible as being either the thesis or the antithesis of the complete end-all expression of God were some rather simple remarks Jesus made a bit derisively to some religious folks of his day: He said, “You pore over the scriptures for you believe that it is in them that you find eternal life; but all the time they bear their witness to me and yet you refuse to come to me so that you can have LIFE.” Then this passage (right out of the Bible, no less) really grabbed hold of my mind and spirit: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

Now then, what does this have to do with reversing the process of aging? Well, let’s take it from the angle that, according to Jesus, don’t forget, that the Bible points to him and the reason, he said, for his coming was to provide abundant life both spiritually and physically.

Let us also review the fact that Jesus said there are two SPIRITUAL FATHERS …one the father of lies, pain, suffering and death, the other the “God of the living.”

In a recent phone conversation which Ryan recorded, we agreed that aging was a progressive and degenerative disease. Based on what? Well, in my case, this pronouncement is based on a look in the mirror. Ryan and I are both getting younger every day.

I swim most mornings in a heated outdoor pool for usually an hour. This past week I decided to build some endurance and strength and began doing laps – end to end, round trip. Yesterday, I reached a milestone of two sets of ten laps separated by about twenty minutes apart. Additionally, I jog through the water twice for about seven minutes each; the remaining time is spent in resistance training in the water with all the muscle groups.

Is this some pathetic effort of an elderly man (I used to say, “I’m going on eighty,” to stave off old age? But Ryan and I have agreed to take much more care about the things we say). I, dear friends, am getting younger every day …and I’m being very serious about this.

Does being like this separate you from God?

When I began praying about whether to write about reversing the process of aging, Daddy instructed me to do so with enthusiasm …as I recently shared, enthusiasm is literally the spiritual equivalent to physical orgasm. Basically the focus on our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE to the point where there is an external expression of joy and ecstasy. Now then what Daddy has impressed upon me this week is that the reversal of the aging process is a moment-by-moment, day-by- day occurrence – just as was the aging process …ONE DAY AT A TIME. I’m amazed (I know, I shouldn’t be), but this morning, for the first time in years … black hairs appearing in my mostly all white beard …physical evidence!

Let’s go back and revisit Jesus remarks that the father of lies, whom he referred to as Mammon, Lucifer, Satan, the god or Chief Ruling Angel of this physical universe and that he has but one, twofold purpose – the destruction of these body bags we occupy and separating us from our true SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE. The ways he does this are myriad and that’s all I’m supposed to say at this moment.

I’m not sure where we’re headed next time, but first listen up to hear what Ryan and I get into using this article as a backdrop. Podcast 50 Jan 5 2011 Reversing the aging process pt 6

In Freedom,


4 Responses to "Reversing the Process of Aging"

  • grant adams says:
  • grant adams says:
  • Ryan Bruce says:
  • Brad says:
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