Spiritual Healing from the SOURCE

Brad Cullen

Brad Cullen

The key to healing is being connected to the SOURCE. Therefore, understanding how to be connected is crucial. Some will urge you to believe that you are already connected. That’s a nice sentiment and even actually true …BUT that bit of information does nothing toward getting rid of whatever it is that is bothering you.

Let’s see if we can appease all sides to the argument of whether you are already connected to the SOURCE, that’s one side of the argument, or if you have to take some kind of definitive action to get connected …which is the other side of the argument.

First let’s see if we can agree on one simple issue. Do you have a nagging physical problem that needs fixing? If the honest answer to that simple question is a “yes” (no matter how limited or modified by conscious, subconscious, or unconscious denial) the challenge before you is to get it fixed …healed.

Some of those who argue that you are already fixed because you are already connected to the SOURCE might be willing to agree that if you are still suffering pain and/or other disquieting symptoms — something has to change for you to get relief. For you, the argument that you are already connected is meaningless.

There are myriad healing methods that are proven to have worked on some people. So far, you haven’t found the one to fix your health or emotional challenge; otherwise you wouldn’t still be tracking with me because you are still hurting (or afraid that you might start hurting again soon because that is your experience). Am I correct?

Before you get all excited about continuing on because you hope that this article will open the door to a new healing method or therapy …it won’t. What it will do, if you allow it, is to bring you to a simple understanding which will ultimately provide healing. Are you ready to proceed?

Here is the simple understanding: There is only one SOURCE and all the myriad healing methods available are dependent upon the one SOURCE. Healing methods lead ultimately to somebody’s ego involvement which ALWAYS gets in the way of healing.

Ego involvement always creates competition and competition leads to yet more ego involvement. There is no competing with the SOURCE. Ego cannot withstand the SOURCE, so where we’re headed is to demonstrate how to cooperate with the SOURCE and for you to receive your healing automatically.

Whether you choose to believe that you are already connected to and, therefore, are already one with the SOURCE, or choose one of the variable belief systems that involve you being separate from the SOURCE …it matters not.

What we promise to deliver is the way that works for you to access the SOURCE personally and receive your healing. The only caveat to the promise is, IF that is your choice. Let’s be clear about something. There are emotional and mental blocks to receiving anything from the SOURCE, including but not limited to physical and emotional healing.

Our purpose is to show you how to recognize the blocks so that you can choose whether you are ready to either get them out of the way or to get around them, or, if you prefer, to keep things just the way they are, at least for right now. In other words, you can relax. Nobody is going to try to force you to change. It really is your choice. Do you want to find out if there really are blocks? That’s step one. We dare not go to step two, until you’ve taken and finished step one.

By Brad Cullen

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