If What Now, Then What?

Brad Cullen

I recently was “given” a book to write – the subtitle is: What Now? Please note that the title of this little piece, again, is THEN WHAT? There is a huge difference between these two questions (what now and then what) …and I’m supposed to share it and LEARN THE DIFFERENCE MYSELF.

That point was made to me while in a half-dream state about two hours ago so emphatically, that I thought I wasn’t supposed to write about it, but simply learn the lesson …NOT SO, I’m under instruction here, “Will you write?” (It’s always my choice).

I shared the original draft of “What Now?”(The Unrecognized You Discovered) chapter by chapter, with several people as I was transcribing it. To say that the draft (as has the finished work) received “mixed reviews” is an understatement of immense proportions

This is "sexy". Someones UNIQUE TRUTH. Not your truth, then let it go..

As with some of the other things I have written, some claim it has opened their eyes to “seeing” in ways they had not been able to “see” before, others range from just not being excited about it, to a variety of negatives.

I’m just now chuckling as I remember a woman’s comment that she was confused by it, but that it had taught her that “the truth for other people just wasn’t her truth.” She quickly assured me that she usually liked everything I wrote.

Some have said that What Now? is too simple (that one is a mind blower to me because, like the aforementioned woman, I still don’t understand some of it. Simple? Nah, I don’t think so.

Gary Sigler, who wrote the foreword, to another book, soon to be available at Amazon, The 4th Dimension, told me privately that he thought “What Now” was the best book I’d ever written.

Now, I could be hypersensitive (pretty difficult for a guy who has been often labeled insensitive, what?) and wonder if Gary didn’t intend a double meaning …you know, such as everything else I’ve written is trash, but I know that’s not how he feels – for example, I was amazed just this past week to get an e-mail from a woman saying that she had just read “Treasure Chest” because Carol Sigler (Gary’s wife) had just, this past week, recommended that she needed to read it.

The woman’s e-mail was quite long, extolling all the changes Treasure Chest had made in her thinking.

You too can receive from SOURCE...NOW.

I take no credit for writing Treasure Chest – I read it periodically and am always intrigued by learning something new each time that I do. People think I’m being modest when I say “I” didn’t write it. I’m not. “I” DIDN’T WRITE IT!

I must also say there are those who think I’m a bit overboard in implying that it came directly from the SOURCE. There we have it, a dichotomy to the max!

My point in going on and on here, is not to drum up readership for “my” books, my point is that even at this very moment I am in a “zone” from being connected to our (your and my) SPIRIT-PARENT and what I am writing is “over my head.”

Let’s get down and dirty …if you’ve ever listened to the podcasts on this website, you know there are times that publisher, Ryan Bruce, doesn’t get what I write either. I don’t know how much higher Ryan’s I.Q. is than mine, but I’d say the difference is significant. He is exceptionally bright.

Now we’re at the point of this whole piece, right, Daddy?


During my closet time, alone, yesterday morning, I received a rather stunning idea, I knew it was brilliant beyond my ability to understand so I couldn’t begin to even attempt to explain all the myriad facets of it that I couldn’t even see (if the foregoing sentence makes any sense to you, you are far brighter than I, just as is  Ryan).

Can anyone know what this boy is learning?

Now, I am supposed to emphasize something here. This is not to chide anyone for not seeing what I am seeing (in part), but and yet, to share what it is that I am learning with this lesson, so that those who can see it will see it …and to understand that there are more lessons to be learned than those that are obvious to me or any one other single person.

In other words and here’s the point, folks …what seemed to be a dichotomy to me, as referenced above, isn’t separate at all, but all part of ONE.

Now with that firmly in mind (even though I really do not fully understand it), let’s go to the difference between “What Now?” Which I’ve had to utter several different times so far and listen carefully to get to this point, and the question: “Then what?”

“Then what?” is what Ryan subconsciously processed with the idea I received yesterday and e-mailed to him – with the subject line saying clearly” “Idea from Dad” and then I threw an idea out of my thought processes as to maybe how the idea could be applied.

What Now? What Next? What happened before? What do I do? Help Me Daddy!!!!

Here’s the tricky part. When I asked “What Now?” when the referenced “idea” came to me yesterday morning, the clear leading was to forward it to Ryan. What happened to me subconsciously was to attempt to apply it from a place of “What then?” An ego apparatus comprised of memory and other brain functions which contributed to Ryan’s resistance to even considering the fact that, with a “What Now?” directed toward our SPIRIT-PARENT, he may have been shown how to immediately and productively implement it now …but instead he simply rejected it for now.

What Now? I’m to learn from this that all things are possible and possible in the now. We lean on all kinds of “knowledge” responses that tell us that the “timing isn’t right” because of whatever. Am I chiding Ryan, over his “failure?”

No, but it is a reminder for all of us to turn at EVERY given moment, and ask WHAT NOW?

We run to every kind of knowledge mechanism including what we think the Bible might mean for us today, or a scientific “proof” of whatever and then proceed with linear thinking, which leads to a “then what?” subconscious process.

What Now?

“You’ve done enough –forward this to Ryan and let him ask, “What Now?”

That’s all, for now.

Oh yeah, I’m supposed to remind you not to react to this, but merely go directly to our SPIRIT-PARENT and ask what (if anything) you should learn from this?

(I sure don’t know).

**Note from Ryan. ** What I learned from this is, “I still hold onto fear of the future. Sometimes I quickly judge or dismiss things without asking “What Now Daddy”.
Thank you Brother. Much Love.

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