Reality. . .

-By Doug Ferguson as “Brad Cullen,” a longtime published pseudonym.

At some point do all imaginary ideas become real?

Let’s go down an intriguing path by looking at a couple of quotes:

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one   –Albert Einstein

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve   –Napoleon Hill

In the world of theoretical physics, BOTH quotes are correct, which renders every system the conscious mind conceives, perceives, and believes, such as science, religion, and LAW into a shadow of reality

Perhaps we now have a simple answer as to why science continually proves the truth it conceived and believed yesterday is untrue by a newer “scientific” discovery, and why there are so many religions essentially saying all others are wrong.

Let’s take a poke at Lady Justice, The LAW. Could the foregoing be the reason physical evidence is no more proof of the truth than the evidence presented by eyewitness testimony?

What is Justice?

If this can possibly be true, it may mean that we now realize our system of “justice” contrived through arguments presented by opposing lawyers, backed with expert testimony providing opposite views of the same set of facts, so often reaches unjust verdicts?

Our best excuse for continuing down this destructive path is that it is the best system of justice yet devised, is it?

Let’s end this with another quote . . .

The conscious part of the mind cannot be relied on as a receptor of eternal TRUTH because it always devises a system of perceived reality that is a way which seems right to humans, but ultimately leads them to death and destruction.  – “Brad Cullen”


In Freedom,


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