Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

OR: Who the hell is Brad Cullen?

“Philosophically, I am tuned into this quote from Nietzsche: ‘You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.’ ” -excerpted from a Brad Cullen article at http://spiritualhealingsource.com/?p=5743

Did Jesus create “the Father” or did you?

Hi, I’m Doug Ferguson, a businessman, the president and CEO of an online company that provides a variety of services for small companies to help them utilize the Internet to increase their sales, both in-store and online.

I’m also an author of articles and books on spiritual topics under the name of “Brad Cullen.”

In 1963, my partner in Smith, Ferguson & Associates, an insurance agency in the San Francisco Bay Area, bought out my equity so I could move my family –my fourth child had just been born– into a more rural setting in a small town about 65 miles north of San Francisco, where I took over as general manager of a multi-state forest products trucking company.

I became a member of a small evangelical church at which I met and became close friends with another member, a psychiatrist, with an MD after his name.

Everyone needs a good psychiatrist.

Jim Kraus and I started a company called Crossroads with an aim to custom-design sales and sales management training to meet the specific stated needs of companies with a spiritual basis that emphasized alignment and congruence with a stated purpose in life and that we were able to successfully implement for a number of companies around the U.S. before being bought out by another company.

We both began reading J.B. Phillips’ Your God is Too Small which started us questioning everything we believed, and opened the door to a beginning, but rapidly growing intimate relationship with the living Jesus – you can get your free digital copy of Your God is Too Small at the link at the bottom of this page.

Now accepting calls.

Fifty years later I wrote the above referenced Brad Cullen article. BTW Jim and I still talk regularly on the phone, just yesterday the most recent, he’s going on 95 and I’m going on 90, just a couple guys who don’t know squat, but have access to Universal wisdom, just as can you or anyone else who is willing to go to where you get it.

Where’s that? Within, to the part of your own mind that some scientific types, suggest may be the prime connector to the Universal Mind. Wanna talk about it? It’s not my business, but it is ancillary to and aligned with my purpose for being on this planet.

You can reach me at either brad@spiritualhealingsource.com or doug@youwithoutlimits.life


In Freedom,


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