May 20
Yesterday’s science is NOT Evidence
If Today’s Science proves it is FALSE
Ancient texts proclaimed it,
“As a man thinks in his heart is what makes him what he is,”
Scientific research began proving it in earnest fifty years ago …the heart THINKS as BOTH an independent mind AND in tandem with the brain.
If you want a whole bunch of scientific evidence go to
Let’s go to another ancient text . . .
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don’t lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will guide you to the correct path for you.”
May I suggest that it’s NEITHER blindly trusting your “heart” NOR trusting scientific evidence, but you may want to read a brief Brad Cullen article about how one more ancient text may provide a HOW that will lead you to the wisdom of BOTH scientific evidence AND trusting your “heart.”
“Put the kingdom of God in first order of priority and everything else will come to you as a matter of course” (in today’s English, we call that getting everything else automatically).
Here’s one how to