Amazing things happen in a small group.

Part 2 of the Mini Series

What is extraordinary about a Brad Cullen facilitated small group meeting? People come expecting something extraordinary and it always happens, that’s one thing.

          Not because Brad Cullen is anything special, it’s just a pseudonym after all, remember the ancient quote, “Why call me good, there’s only ONE good,” there are no teachers or leaders at a Brad Cullen small group meeting, except the one within each of us.

          “I” understand that it is not “my” presence that brings about the dramatic changes that take place in some individuals that participate AND which almost always happen to me as well.

Time to clear those blocks.

          Breaking through emotional, mental, physical and spiritual blocks, are one common occurrence, and physical healings are certainly not uncommon. I do not claim to be a healer …and that’s the secret, I don’t take credit for anything that happens (period), but by showing up I AM put in a place of receiving.

          I AM NOT the healer or expert, and I take no credit for the sustained changes that take place (period); and that’s not any kind of false humility, I simply am amazed and excited, along with everyone else about what happens and don’t even try to explain or understand it.

          Everyone present has an inner teacher/healer/expert (about what’s best for them) as well as untapped authority and power.

          I just understand the secret to helping each individual present, tap into their own resident expert, again, it isn’t “I” doing the seemingly supernatural, in fact, what happens is completely natural.

Every Brad Cullen group is different, because you are.

          I spend ten to fifteen minutes going through a bit of a preamble so that everyone agrees to follow a very simple rule of etiquette spelled out in a single typewritten sheet, handed out to everyone, which seems to help raise expectations that “good things are about to happen.”

          People, who are there to learn how to facilitate their own small group meetings, quickly learn that there is nothing to learn, except they can’t take any credit for producing positive results – and (sigh), again, that’s the secret.

          Every Brad Cullen, small group meeting is different; there is no system and no way to explain or even understand what happens, it’s not “forbidden” to try, but lots of luck with that.

          In order to overcome my resistance to asking for donations or charging money for facilitating a small group meeting, we …actually an associate, came up with the idea to form an association, which would provide financial benefits that considerably outweigh the modest monthly dues of $8.95 U.S.D., and provide volume purchasing power, discounts and other valuable member privileges and benefits.

Greater things come from association.

          The plan was so simple and yet so powerful and beneficial for members that I easily and readily got on board with it. It takes money to get it started and two of my associates put up the initial funds for things like an interactive website, still under construction, setting up the systems, such as accounting and other details to manage what we believe will eventually have a world-wide impact.

          One of my associates tells his own story about his first interaction with “Brad Cullen” 15 years ago; and more recently, overcoming a near death experience. By going to – you can read his rather amazing story there.

          The site’s still under construction, but on the menu, click on BCA Members sharing it will take you to his story. He also researched “crowd funding” and came up with the recommendation to use Go Fund Me …please let this introduce you to the campaign by clicking on the link at the bottom of his story.

Share, fund, join…we want you to be a part of this.

          Here’s where you can help – if you are neither able nor feel led to donate, but see his vision that has also caught me, please share the link on your Facebook page, Linked In, Twitter or whatever other social media and also your email contact list; thanks.

          Please read, VERY CAREFULLY,  the content at the link following his story, Near Death Experience, to the Go Fund Me page …a lot of membership benefits await you there.

          Please also send along any improvements to the campaign that you believe would help us reach our goal. Please use to email me – thanks for taking the time, it’s a huge help and thanks again, please ask for guidance, we don’t want this to be a strictly human endeavor, but as humans, we feel we are showing up where we’re meant to be.  

In Freedom,


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