Interfering with Enlightenment

The Conscious Connection, a TRAP?

Third dimension is a trap.

Do your thoughts trap you in involuntary behaviors?

 The conscious connection is a trap ONLY when it sees itself as superior to the unconscious flow and begins interfering with the capability of the unconscious flow to keep everything operating smoothly, efficiently and AUTOMATICALLY.

Because the conscious connection is the facility of the mind which has become “aware” that stress causes and/or exacerbates up to 95 percent of all health problems including, but not limited to all major diseases* we can easily see the mischief the conscious connection creates.

Don’t stop there because that’s where the confusion begins. It is the conscious connection in its metaphorical rebellion against the unconscious flow that created the tension and stress in the first place and thus the trap.

If you think I’m talking in circles you’re correct. I’m attempting to put into writing something I can neither explain nor understand (which is a primary function of the conscious connection) with the conscious connection alone.

*SOURCE: National Institutes of Health

Connect to the Source

A PHD will not help you get or stay connected.

          It takes a far greater command of the conscious connection (intellect) than I possess to gain one or more of the educational degrees it takes to be legally able to practice medicine in all its multitudinous forms, yet I AM that, I AM able to in just a few paragraphs explain not only the cause of the problems for which man has created these various systems to help overcome, but also to help avoid the problems in the first place.

          In any attempt, however, to explain how I can do this is not possible for me, but I just did it, with just a small amount of research into the website referenced above, with a fully integrated mind, that is, the conscious connection in full cooperation and conscious acknowledgment of the vast superiority of the unconscious flow. (More to come)

Two Tough Questions: Are you who you are meant to be? AND are YOU doing what you are meant to do?

This is just an image, close your eyes and find your own light within.

The trickiest of all is the third question …where do you go to get your answers? If you are willing to allow an ancient quote to guide you in every area of your life, here’s a modern version: “Don’t look here or there, for YOUR answers are within you.”

Since these questions are about YOU, there is only one question left, how do you access I AM that, I AM within who has the answers?

We’ve found the light within that has illuminated our pathway to that which we are meant to be and to share how we were guided to do that.

One of the things that made it easy for us is that we believed it was possible and not only trusted that it was possible, but expected to receive the pathway to see and capture the light within.

Not for a moment do we delude ourselves into believing we have discovered the only path to illumination, but we are willing to share how it happened for us and if you’d like to know in simple terms how we did it so you can try it out for YOU; we’d love to help get you started.


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