Sep 16
How to get there from here, NOW
Surely, there must be an old saying that the only way to get where you want to go is to know where you’re going. If we want to give our lives a whole lot of meaning, we need to know the reason we came here.
If you spend a few moments analyzing the foregoing paragraph without first taking apart the word and collapsing in laughter, as I just did; I mean, think about it: ANAL- what part of the anatomy is the focal point of all analysis?
We talk quite a bit about how the conscious part of the mind continually gets in the way of creativity, is it any wonder? Proper analysis requires the use of the conscious part of the mind. So that’s what is meant by “being anal!”
Back to looking at the opening paragraph, it struck me that the words “the reason we came here” presuppose we came from somewhere else. If that’s true then from where did I come?
It is interesting, to me at least, that the English word “salvation” is translated from a Greek word that means joined together again; and a case can easily be made (this from a Greek business owner in South San Francisco) that the word ALSO means that the repair is completed. Re-paired – “joined together again,” with what or whom?
Salvation, therefore, means, “as you were in the beginning,” NOT AT birth that’s the beginning we’ve been programmed to accept and keeps us trapped in thinking these human bodies we occupy are all there is to LIFE.
“Well, if that’s all there is, my friend, then let’s keep dancing, bring on the booze” (or to whatever else you might be addicted, such as dope, food, work, sex, religion, shopping, being a victim of whatever – any and all, which are human solutions to the problems and pain of living a life without REAL meaning.
What if your “beginning” was being an integral part of “in the beginning, God created . . .” (?) In other words a Godicle or particle of the Elohiym-US, (“Let Us create) I AM.
YOU WITHOUT LIMITS a small group approach to helping one another overcome obstacles including, but not limited to, limiting beliefs and other blocks to living in the presence and power of I AM – authorized and empowered to say, “Before there was [insert your name and ‘everything else’] I AM.”
Get your FREE copy of the YWL handbook for facilitators of small groups (we are all facilitators and co-learners).
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YOU WITHOUT LIMITS, an unregistered non-profit organization supported wholly by private gifting.
It might be a bold move for you, but you may not need anything or anyone else to help you find your purpose. Therefore, our free gift to you right now is to find the magic in saying: “Before there ever was a [insert your name and ‘everything else’] I AM.” If you’re worried that saying such a thing might be wrong, ask I AM, “should I do this?” and wait until you get HER/HIS/ITS answer that will be just right for YOU (without limits, a particle of the eternal I AM presence).