Out of Bondage, into the LIGHT

Just shift your point of view...NOW you're free.

Just shift your point of view…NOW you’re free.

Understanding the Meaning of Two Religious Terms

Can Bring You Out of Bondage, into the LIGHT …and



Without further preamble, the terms are salvation and sin. You probably thought you left these terms behind a long time ago and all the religious stuff you attached to them …not realizing that you are imprisoned by them because of all the conflict they are STILL causing within you.

e·van·ge·list: noun; a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching.

e·van·ge·list: noun; a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching.

Surely you remember them put together in the fashion of “being saved from your sin” and the myriad arguments and explanations that different, learned religious teachers put on that one.

I began reacting about seventy-five years ago to the question, “are you saved?” …this when I didn’t have a clue other than to think, “Saved from what; and what the hell are you talking about?”

In the original language, the term translated as “salvation” or “saved” STILL means the same thing – Get this and you get your free pass out of jail; “Joined together again (with the ONE who created you in the first place).

When aligned correctly, they join together...again.

When aligned correctly, they join together…again.

Focus for a second on the word “again” and you’ll be ready to leave prison. “Again” means you’ve been there before, got it? Therefore, joined together again, means going back to being a part or particle of the CREATIVE POWER you were long before your birth into the human body you are occupying.

Now, the other term in the original language translated as “sin.” Which term simply and accurately STILL means missing or being separated from the same CREATIVE POWER of which you were once (and still are …once you come out of the mental prison) and that is an active particle of CREATIVE POWER.



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