Quasars Are the Brightest Objects in the Universe

This is an artists rendering of a quasar. Look for the real quasar...within.

This is an artists rendering of a quasar. Look for the real quasar…within.

Moreover, quasars are not only extremely bright …they emit more energy than a billion of our suns.

Go to http://www.space.com/17262-quasar-definition.html to learn far more than you ever probably ever want to know about quasars.

The reason I feel compelled to write this brief article has to do with what I’ve been “given” as a daily, morning exercise to help continually bring the conscious part of the mind of this human body I occupy into alignment with what I prefer to call the superconscious part which I address, affectionately, as “MEGA-me” …the part of the mind that connects with the UNIVERSAL MIND.

Long-time friend, associate and co-founder of YOU WITHOUT LIMITS, Mark Kennedy, a.k.a. Ryan Bruce who is the CEO of SHS Publishing in Vancouver, B.C. (publisher of Brad Cullen books and articles), refers to the superconscious which resides within him as “Master Mental Processor.” We both prove our flexibility by giving you the right to call it anything you wish …or ignore it.

Before you try, know.

Before you try, know.

This may seem to some as totally superfluous (if not “crazy”) information, but if you are looking for a way to get beyond any particular obstacles in your life, I’m being nudged to write this for YOU.

Back to quasars and the “morning exercise” …quasars appear, according to some astronomers and physicists, as a “part of the creative process of entire galaxies.” This is also a part of the input that has made many scientists question, if not completely discard, the notion of the “Big Bang theory” as a meaningful basis as to the origin of the known universe.

That the theory is still being taught as basic science in many classrooms, along with other out-dated information, might be just one indicator of just how ineffective what passes for our “basic education” system may well be.  

          The morning exercise is simply a fun way I’ve found for incorporating meditation and prayer time into an important emotional/mental do-over for me, via a symbolic “infusion,” at the cellular level, with this LIGHT “captured” from quasars.

If you feel that you may be drawn to such a bizarre-seeming way to break through into the LIGHT, “as he is in the light,” write me.

brad@spiritualhealingsource.com or doug@youwithoutlimits.life


YOU WITHOUT LIMITS also has a PDF copy available of a free handbook for small group facilitators; this is beginning to receive raves from around the globe – just ask and I’ll send it along as an attachment.

We’ll even provide you with all kinds of helps to start your own small YOU WITHOUT LIMITS group …also FREE and without any interference. If you want our input you get it …otherwise you are free to go far beyond the limits we or any other group of human beings may attempt to impose upon you.

Mark/Ryan and I refer to this as the Leapfrog Dynamic, everyone going far beyond where we are and many taking us further along our journey by leaping way over our heads and leading the way further toward the LIGHT!



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