Have You Transcended? Should you?


If there is an ultimate SOURCE of spiritual healing and healing power, we need to get beyond (transcend) any limiting beliefs and other obstacles and move forward in and under the direction of that SOURCE. How do we do that?

One of the more interesting definitions of insanity is that of repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different result …and yet …this is exactly what Jesus taught us.

But wait! He didn’t say to beat our heads against the wall until we are senseless. He said to go to the parental part of the SOURCE and impudently demand, in childlike insistence, what it is we want. He used two metaphors …one of being desperate enough to go to a close friend in the middle of the night and bang on his door, and waking his entire family in the process, UNTIL the friend came out and met each and every demand.

How You Transcend

How You Transcend

The other metaphor indicates the kind of intimacy and trust possessed by a child approaching his/her perfect (and over-indulgent) Daddy/Mommy relentlessly and persistently UNTIL the child receives everything he/she wanted.

When I felt the urge to write something meaningful this morning, for this page, I was thrashing around mentally for just the right subject matter… related to spiritual healing and healing power. I finally asked Dad, “Why am I not getting anything?” I saw a huge, red. Neon sign that said, STOP!

Oops, I realized I was going in a direction in which He was not leading. I was rushing ahead of where He wanted me to be. The cause was that I was asking a question that was engaging the ego-brain of this body bag I occupy. If you are not practiced in this sort of dialogue with the SOURCE, this may seem strange, but just bear with me for a few minutes… and you will begin to see how it relates to healing power for YOU… for spiritual healing for YOU.

What’s wrong with this picture? Dad asked me. Adequately chagrined, I said, “you show me.” He did and that’s what I’m going to share. The picture is religious piety and what’s wrong with it is that it is totally ineffective. Religious piety is ineffective? Yes! So is asking questions that engage the brain rather than the SOURCE …which the brain is not.

There were two things wrong with the picture. I was attempting to write things about healing power and spiritual healing using my brain as the resource. I was thinking and not engaging Dad. Thinking doesn’t heal. Even the most effective and clear-headed thinking doesn’t heal …in fact it is an obstacle to spiritual healing. What is also an obstacle is religious piety …which seems so good, but accomplishes nothing.

What Does Religion Mean?

What Does Religion Mean?

The reason some people don’t believe in the possibility of spiritual healing is that they have been exposed to a religious system of praying that doesn’t get results.

I remember asking a rather large group of people one Sunday evening why, after all the praying and saying, “in the name of Jesus,” the man standing in front of me hadn’t been healed that morning? It was interesting to see that bit of truth registering as shock upon the faces of a number of people.

I had been introduced that morning as the speaker for the evening service. After the introduction the man invited anyone who needed healing to come up to the front for prayer. He asked me to stay and be involved. While the much fervent and rather loud speaking over the man now standing in front of me, who had said that morning to the group’s leader, that he wanted to be healed of diabetes; I was startled by a voice that said, “you know he isn’t being healed.”

So, that evening, as I was standing in front of this group, waiting to sense what it was I was to share with them… I saw this man with diabetes sitting with his wife and two small children just a few rows back from where I was standing. I heard the same voice, “tell them.”

Yikes! Not something I really wanted to do. But I looked at the man and told him I didn’t want to embarrass him, but would he mind stepping up to the front. He assured me it wouldn’t bother him a bit. I began by saying, “you still have diabetes, don’t you,” to which he responded in the affirmative.

I turned to the crowd and asked, “How many of you were here this morning?” About half of the two hundred or so raised their hands. So I described what had happened, including the words I had heard… “You know he isn’t being healed.”

“How many of you believe that the words, ‘in the name of Jesus,’ should bring about healing?” About half raised their hands. “Then, why didn’t it?” The question just hung in the air for several seconds. Now what? I asked silently.

Then, everyone in the building, including me, learned an amazing truth … these words came rolling out of my mouth, “In the name of Jesus Christ, means being in the character and authority of Jesus Christ.”

In a flash I understood …His character was that he only wanted to do our perfect Parent’s will… his authority goes back to his pre-existence as the Spirit part of Elohiym, the “Word of God, who created everything in the beginning.” Jesus the man didn’t create anything.

I whispered to the man so that only he heard me… “Do you want the will of God in your life, no matter what it costs?” He looked at me with a quite startled look in his eyes and quickly answered yes! I knew at that very moment that he was healed I was instructed to tell him, in the same whisper that only he could hear, that he had just been healed and that I had nothing to do with it.

He turned around and faced the congregation and said, “The diabetes is completely gone, and he (gesturing toward me with his thumb), had nothing to do with it.”


He received spiritual healing automatically because he acknowledged that he only wanted what the SOURCE wanted, the character of Jesus Christ. If you want to receive spiritual healing, you now have the formula and you need the help of no other man. If you want to be the instrument of healing power through which the creator of the universe does His work, you now have the formula.

Transcend religion and watch the SOURCE do His work in and through you – not by talking about Jesus Christ or the SOURCE (by whatever other title or name) declare and commit to the SOURCE that you want only His will… he’ll take care of the rest, automatically …including healing power and spiritual healing.

In Freedom,


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