Nov 14
“Bless Me Father, for I Have Sinned”
Why on earth, you ask, would I invoke a basic Roman Catholic training for how to greet a priest in the confessional? As much as Protestants, adherents of other religions and those with no religion, resist this particular approach to penitence …penitence is a road to significant change and healing …and Jesus taught a way to go directly to the SOURCE, “the Supreme Father,” if you will.
I’ve been sharing the effectiveness of Jesus’ system ever since it came to me in the form of a rhyming verse over forty years ago.
I have also been teaching something else which doesn’t always work for everybody else, the reason it doesn’t work in many cases, may well be because I was missing the significance of something else that made it work so well for me. Getting the omission, just now, I want to solidify my commitment to change so that I never again omit what provides the fuel – hence my penitence so that I never omit the necessary ingredient again!
Since my publisher, Ryan Bruce, recently introduced Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich on the SHS website as a free download, I’ve had occasion to revisit another of Hill’s books written in the early 1930s, Steps to Riches …AND IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE – a list of what he meant by riches:
- A positive mental attitude. (Notice that it heads the list.)
- Sound physical health.
- Harmony in human relations.
- Freedom from fear.
- The hope of future achievement.
- The capacity for applied faith.
- Willingness to share one’s blessings with others.
- To be engaged in the labor of love.
- An open mind on all subjects toward all people.
- Complete self-discipline.
- Wisdom with which to understand people.
- Financial security (Notice that this is last on the list).
With that bit of clarification we get to what prompted my penitence: A few paragraphs from Steps to Riches and then what I’ve been teaching and all too often omitting from my presentation.
Nature has so built man that he has ABSOLUTE CONTROL over the material which reaches his subconscious mind, through his five senses, although this is not meant to be construed as a statement that man always EXERCISES this control. In the great majority of instances, he does NOT exercise it, which explains why so many people go through life in poverty.
Recall what has been said about the subconscious mind resembling a fertile garden spot, in which weeds will grow in abundance, if the seeds of more desirable crops are not sown therein. AUTOSUGGESTION is the agency of control through which an individual may voluntarily feed his subconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature, or, by neglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into this rich garden of the mind.
You were instructed, in the last of the six steps described in the chapter on Desire, to read ALOUD twice daily the WRITTEN statement of your DESIRE FOR MONEY, and to SEE AND FEEL yourself ALREADY in possession of the money! By following these instructions, you communicate the object of your DESIRE directly to your SUBCONSCIOUS mind in a spirit of absolute FAITH. Through repetition of this procedure, you voluntarily create thought habits which are favorable to your efforts to transmute desire into its monetary equivalent.
Go back to these six steps described in chapter two, and read them again, very carefully, before you proceed further. Then (when you come to it), read very carefully the four instructions for the organization of your “Master Mind” group, described in the chapter on Organized Planning. By comparing these two sets of instructions with that which has been stated on auto-suggestion, you, of course, will see that the instructions involve the application of the principle of auto-suggestion.
Remember, therefore, when reading aloud the statement of your desire (through which you are endeavoring to develop a “healing consciousness”), that the mere reading of the words is of NO CONSEQUENCE–UNLESS you mix emotion, or feeling with your words. If you repeat a million times the famous Emil Coué formula, “Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better,” without mixing emotion and FAITH with your words, you will experience no desirable results. Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts upon ONLY thoughts which have been well-mixed with emotion or feeling.
This is a fact of such importance as to warrant repetition in practically every chapter, because the lack of understanding of this is the main reason the majority of people who try to apply the principle of auto-suggestion get no desirable results.
Plain, unemotional words do not influence the subconscious mind. You will get no appreciable results until you learn to reach your subconscious mind with thoughts, or spoken words which have been well emotionalized with BELIEF.
I’ve been sharing my version of the “famous Emil Coué formula” for well over forty years as if the words themselves were magic. What I’ve left out is how I feel every time I say them …my version: “Moment by moment, day by day, I’m getting better in every way!” I practically shout these words because I KNOW they are true and I have so much evidence of all the changes that have already transpired …in other words, I believe them as related to the ever newer changes that are about to change because they are!
For all those of you I have let down in this regard, I REPENT! Now, I’m calling you to do the same …I say these words at least twenty times every day, GRATEFULLY, as I know that the mind of this body-bag I occupy is fully integrated with the SOURCE of everything to bring about continual improvement in every area of my life.
If the foregoing has been as important to you as for me, I want you to, right now, send an e-mail to and ask to be put on the list to receive our regular newsletter …and, at the very least, consider making comments about the evidence of your own changes as you see various signs of the desires of your life beginning to take shape – it will aid the process.