The 1, 2, 3, Method to Start Living in Power, Instead of Desperation

Sometimes, Starting From a Point of Desperation . . .

Starting from here? can it get any better than this?

…continuing on from the title, which seems to point to something that is far more powerful and effective than anything else I’ve learned of late. I don’t broadcast this much, but I was reminded of this point by an e-mail recently – what the man said was:

“Brad, I’ve always found for me that sticking to my anointing is an important factor.”

He went on to say that so many people have been helped and, he as well, by some of the things I’ve written in the past and he pointed to two books …Treasure Chest and Leapfrog.

Okay, since this is bubbling to the surface, I had to ask, “What now?” and at which point came the above title …plus realizing I was out of sorts …a rather defensive way of saying that I’m acting pretty damn irritable and impatient this morning (who me?) …and the cause for it.

Realizing just how irritable I was and as publisher, Ryan Bruce, put it during a phone conversation yesterday, “Hey man, you ought to take a nap, you’re pretty grouchy.”

Here is a canvas, tell your story.

Eighteen long, long, long hours later, I finally admit it and, in addition to being slow and defensive about my now obvious irritability, I had to be awakened to something I began writing and sharing about since the thought came to me so forcefully in the late 1960s, while driving across the desert, about forty miles east of Boise, Idaho …so forcefully that I felt compelled to stop at a small roadside grocery store to buy a paper notebook …and had to settle for a paper bag, for which I was charged a dime so that I could write the poem burning in me.

That poem changed my life in many ways, as I began sharing it with everyone from presidents of companies to truck drivers who were turned off by religion, but loved my poem to the point of even asking me to write it out for them!

The only people who seemed lukewarm about it (at best) were those who were fellow travelers, at the time, with the same religious bent as I.

The poem was about something Jay had been quoted as saying …which I had/have interpreted as the “only prayer, he taught, that I know of, which brings about instant righteousness in God’s sight” …that is, beating upon one’s chest and crying out for mercy for having missed God completely; sounds silly I know, but it works for me and hundreds of others who have adopted the practice.

I just did that …ah, sweet relief. I was shown, also, what was at the root of my missing God and the cause of the “spirit” of irritability being able to take control of my mood and crappy actions.

I'm not lazy, just motivated to do nothing.

One of the things I was shown clearly, was that the reason I got into this “downer” in the first place is that I got lazy related to doing what I know to do each day, several times a day – had I done so, I wouldn’t have had to have the lesson …albeit an easy one, thankfully.

What now? I’m getting that I shouldn’t sign off until I URGE you to try this. If you have something that has been bothering you – and what is coming up for me right this moment is somebody out there who has been a victim of abuse and they’re stuck in anger and unforgiveness which is only hurting them not the abuser.

This is a prison of your own making since God, By Whatever Other Title Or Name (BWOTON), wants us to be living freely in HER/HIS/ITS presence and power and when we choose to live in anger and unforgiveness (been there done that an so has every other human being who ever lived – Jay is nudging me, right this moment, to tell you, contrary to what you may have heard or been taught, that this includes him and that he taught this from personal experience), we’re missing our highest and best – the literal meaning, in the original languages, of “sin” – here’s the 1-2-3 way to start living in POWER:

First, ask: What do I need to do to apply this quick step to YOUR righteousness? Second, just wait until it comes to you what it is …and if nothing comes up, from experience I can tell you quite simply that it is resistance – a-ha now you know what’s holding you back. Third, beat on your chest and say, “God” again, by whatever other title or name, “be merciful unto me for missing YOU!”

Keep doing it until you know you’re out of the prison in your mind. Ryan and I can tell you from personal experience and the testimonies of literally hundreds of people all over the world …THIS WORKS …DO IT NOW!


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