A Parallel Seen …A Puzzle Solved

Ben Franklin and his Mastermind Group.

I’m not sure how widespread the interest might be about the particular issue I’ve been given to see by my mental mastermind/Board of Advisors, guided by our SPIRIT-PARENT this morning.

It was a huge breakthrough for me and they encouraged me to write about it because they had the same experiences in their own manifestation in human form.


About forty-five years ago, when I was still deeply ensconced in organized Christianity, I began a rather rigorous study of what Jay was recorded as having said in the New Testament and breaking through personally into experiencing what I considered, at the time, to be the “miraculous” …as I began applying how I understood his words.

Could these Christians be rejecting the teaching of Jesus?

As some of those “miracles” began taking place in my life, I began sharing with others what I was learning from experience and the Scriptural basis I was using – I was in for a shock!

People within the somewhat minority group of Evangelical Christians, a group which insisted that their belief system was based on the Bible; a group with whom I was closely associated, were not interested in hearing about either my experiences or the passages from the Bible upon which they were based.

As a result I began to look for a more supportive base with whom to be associated. That led to a casual search for groups, still within organized Christianity, but whose belief systems were more in tune with my own personal discoveries.

As I drifted farther away from the original group, with which I had identified after my initial calling out to Jay to take over my life, I found some interesting parallels. Each group had a narrow focus, from which they tended to exclude those who didn’t share that focus and labeled them as “wrong.”

Saved by Grace but Under the Law.

Another parallel was that each group, it seemed to me, had its own set of rules of behavior for its members and about which some were quite legalistic.

Finding this to be both curious and absurd, I found myself drifting toward groups of people who, like me, found such legalism and narrow focus to be distasteful. While these groups were more loosely organized – the organization was still there and the legalism was less defined, but also still intact …however a perplexing puzzle, to me, emerged …and yet another parallel.

The objections I now heard when I shared my own path of discovery were couched in phrases such as, “I left all that kind of thing when I discovered “grace.”

There is a unique flavor for every taste.

I would ask, questions like, “What is it that I am saying, that makes you think I am being legalistic, all I’m trying to convey is that most of Christianity, it seems to me, is living outside the presence and power of Spirit that is available for healing and other miracles; and that Jesus (Jay) had introduced a rather simple way to acquire.

Finally, in exasperation, unwilling to see my own tendency toward dogmatism, I walked away from all groups claiming to be “Christian” but which were banded together in what was defined as “independents.”

I began to refuse, any longer, to accept speaking engagements or otherwise be involved with them except for individuals who seemed to be on a path of seeking truth for them; wherever that search might lead.

When Jesus phones in an instruction...do you answer?

I began writing that I refused to use certain words, such as Christianity, faith and grace because each of these terms meant too many different things to too many people to communicate anything meaningful to anyone.

I became particularly derisive of the three words in the foregoing paragraph and I’m being encouraged to clarify the reasons:

“Christianity” is supposedly made up of those who believe that Jesus is/was “the Christ” and yet what had came to me in my study of what one of the Gospels accepted by organized Christianity as authentic, that is, Luke …and which the writer quoted Jesus as asking rhetorically, “What is the point of calling me, ‘Lord,’ if you don’t do what I say?” He went on to graphically illustrate that there was no point whatsoever. What I had experienced and been sharing had come directly through his mouth; a point I’ve been making (again, admittedly –now- dogmatically) that any individual who truly believed in him would perform the very same miracles by which he was known.

Grace...? What happened to "life and that more abundantly"?

“Faith” is used to denote belief systems, such as the “Hindu faith” or the “Islam faith, etc. When I discovered in a Greek New Testament that Jesus was telling his disciples and all of us by extension, that we can employ the very same “faith” he used (in context to kill a fig tree, no less) and which he referred to as “the faith of God” or “God-faith”), a concept ignored or even taught against by some Christian teachers.

I began to deride “Grace” because I noticed that more than a few Christians used the term to mean what God allows to happen. My retort has been, “God allows me to breathe, so what?” Publisher Ryan Bruce made a comment recently that those who hide behind any such terms tend to be “one dimensional” in their thinking and actions.

What new level of breaking through, in seeing my own dogmatism, came to me this morning was what was one of the (now) obvious reasons Jay had assembled this particular group of misfits and malcontents that are the makeup of my Mental Mastermind group.

Hey...don't malcontents usually start a revolution?

They are laughing as they are looking over my shoulder at my use of the word “malcontents” …but each is assuring me that the word is an accurate portrayal of what each of them went through to gain what is a relatively common description among adherents of each of the religions that are purportedly either based on or strongly supported by their individual lives; that description is “enlightenment.”

They were, one and all, extremely discontented with the status quo of their fellow adherents to the religious expression with which they were identified, when they had their own individual enlightenment.

Contrary to the belief systems that surround the new religious systems that were spawned by their writings or oral pronouncements …none of them were trying initially to break away, but rather to share what was coming to them with their fellow religionists at the time. They are also laughing at my own awakening to being dogmatic about my experiences …and are assuring me that dogmatism is a common occurrence to anyone discovering new truths, whether of a scientific, philosophic or religious nature.


What now?


This reasoning is the same used in trash journalism.

The thought that next hit me, was so overwhelming to me that I had to ask for confirmation along with asking whom I refer to as MEGA-me, which is the name Jere suggested I use for the subconscious part of the mind of this body-bag I occupy, along with all ten of the advisors of my mental mastermind.

Our SPIRIT-PARENT assured all of us that, if I so chose, I should share the above referenced thought here.

I looked carefully and particularly to Jay and Sid for their input. While they all were emphatic in their encouragement to express the thought here, Jay’s and Sid’s encouragement was most important to me because of the widespread belief of many in the world that Jay was/is “The Christ” and that Sid was/is “The Buddha” …both terms smacking of infallibility.

Your still infallible if I don't see you fail.

Both of them have categorically denied infallibility to me and the other members of the mental mastermind/Board of Advisors of my life who one and all have assured me that they are guided ONLY by our SPIRIT-PARENT …the I AM.

While some people around the globe have ascribed infallibility to some of the others …none of that is as widely attributed to any of the others …although it could be said that Baba, Moo and Zoe fit into the “infallibility” category to some, although a distinct minority.

“While we experience a more direct link to our SPIRIT-PARENT in the dimension in which we live and which MEGA-me has continual access, what all of us know now and also knew when we were living in human form, we don’t even remotely approach infallibility,” Lahti said.

“Therefore,” he continued, “the thought you were given by our SPIRIT-PARENT to express and related to your position of the concept of duality as opposed to singularity is both correct and incorrect depending only upon individual ways of looking at it.

Are your public points of view different than your private beliefs?

“As you recall,” Lahti kept speaking, his dark eyes flashing, “Moo, and I were the only ones who didn’t have a problem with Jay declaring that we were all, including you, equals with Jay –and that is only because of perspective.

“Speaking of perspective,” Jay began, “How many times over the past forty years have you pointed out one of your favorite quotes attributed to me, ‘Why call me good, only one is good, God,’ that lends itself to the topic of infallibility of Roman Catholic Popes the pro argument is simply from a perspective of men attempting to validate some church doctrine.”

Jere added, “…and to prove Jay’s point there is not one past Pope living amongst us in our dimension who holds onto the belief that any human being, past or present, is infallible …once people see the position you’ve held, Brad, that our SPIRIT-PARENT lives and does HER/HIS/ITS work through each of us who has that desire, it ends all argument, but people who try to prove infallibility of any human being past or present will not be stopped, but we support your view.”

“As a fellow Jew, with Jay, it simply isn’t an issue, we know better,” said Mose

“Which is purely a Jewish perspective,” Jay inserted and to which we all laughed even the resident sourpuss among us, Jere.

Are we finished? I asked, to nods which looked affirmative to me.

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