How Are you Dealing with Spiritual Contradiction and Conflict?

Brad Cullen

Brad Cullen

One of the first things we need to do in order to access Spiritual healing and healing power from the SOURCE is to confront contradiction and deal with it effectively. Let’s begin this little time together by looking at the seeming contradiction in the foregoing. Confronting and dealing with something can be cooperating with it; that, friends, is a paradox. A paradox always sounds impossible at first glance.

Spiritual healing, in this instance, means getting over or past physical disease or discomfort by spiritual means rather than physical, invasive action; and that takes the influence and power of SPIRIT rather than surgery, just as one example of physical (rather than spiritual) action.

Hold on there!  Can’t a surgeon’s hands be guided by SPIRIT and therefore be a spiritual action? If possible that is a perfect example of a paradox… a seeming contradiction. Well, what if it is true?

As those who know me well can attest, I often refer to what Jesus did and said, which creates all kinds of conflicts for some people because of their religious views. I hasten to say that it really doesn’t make any difference what or who you believe Jesus to be or have been, because it doesn’t really matter, at least in regards to this particular discussion. That statement can start or inflame a religious war! Jesus, himself, said, “What is the point of calling me, ‘Lord,’ if you don’t do what I say.” He then graphically illustrated that somebody who makes a big deal out of his deity or sovereignty, but didn’t do what he said, was headed for big time destruction; he said that, not I. To stay on point, he also said that nothing was impossible if you believe enough; that would include paradoxes.

Someone wrote to me that it seemed to him I was advocating waging a constant battle against things instead of accepting them the way they are.

Follow the Source

Follow the Source to Your Spiritual Healing

He elaborated by saying that to him the ultimate expression of worship is the acceptance of everything as being God-ordained. Since he had adopted the philosophy that God was in control of everything in his life he “understood peace and tranquility, as never before,” is how he put it. He finished his rather long treatise with the statement, “I prefer to go with the flow.”

Since he was rather argumentative in his e-mail, I merely responded (in a wholly accepting manner, or so I thought), sincerely, that whatever worked for him is wonderful and signed off by thanking him for writing to me. I really did understand and accept what he said.

My acceptance of what I understood him saying that worked for him was unacceptable to him. The essence of his response was that he thought I was doing a disservice to those who read my articles. Because, instead of presenting the Gospel that everything has already been accomplished I was instilling in people the thought that they had to battle for everything that had already been won for them.

I pointed out that this was an argument with which I was neither unfamiliar, nor was I in opposition to it, philosophically. I continued by asking him if he was advocating that a person with a disease (for example) should just accept it as something God had put upon him or her for His own mysterious purposes? I ended by asking if that was what he meant by “going with the flow?”

I tried to assure him that I wasn’t trying to change his mind, but I merely wanted to know clearly what he was saying so we could have meaningful communication and dialogue.

I received back a twenty-six-page attachment replete with Bible references for almost each and every line, along with his detailed arguments that God controlled everything. I answered that I did not disagree with anything he wrote and I was familiar with all the passages he quoted, but I told him I felt we were “talking past one another.” Several days went by and I heard nothing further.

Now then, since he and I couldn’t get into some meaningful dialogue, I was stuck with making some assumptions, based on my understanding of what he said …or I could just go with the flow, accept what he said, and let it go.

Probably one out of every twenty of those who respond to my articles argues that the enemy was already defeated by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Something just struck me rather forcefully. Jesus’ half-brother James, apparently writing to some fellow Jewish Christians some twenty years after Jesus’ death and resurrection wrote: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Now, for anyone who insists upon having a Bible reference for any thesis – there it is. James is NOT saying, “Go with the flow of whatever the devil happens to throw at us” – no, he is saying exactly the opposite. Resist!

Jesus said that the one he referred to as the “god of this world” or perhaps better translated as the “chief ruling spirit” who governs the behind-the-scenes activity on this planet, has just two purposes: One is the destruction of our faith in the SOURCE and the other is the death of human inhabitants on this earth. Something else Jesus said, not I.

I have a hard time with the thought of putting out the welcome mat for those things which Jesus said come from an unseen enemy and saying that it comes from God.

It seems that Jesus said we have a choice. We can follow his simple instructions for getting more of God’s own spirit and go with His flow to resist and destroy the works of the enemy.

Or we can follow the way, which seems right, but ends up in our destruction at the hands of the enemy. I didn’t say that, Jesus said it! I’m really not interested in arguing the point, but I do want to clearly let everyone know my choice. My choice is to go with the flow of SPIRIT part of the SOURCE who lives within me.

Here is a contradiction and the point I had been trying to make during the verbal altercation with the man who advocated peace as opposed to doing battle. They both work. People who go with the flow, peacefully, often have amazing results. Sometimes battle is required, sometimes going with the flow is required. Both are mysterious and the more you delve into either side of the equation intellectually, the more you understand that therein lies a paradox.

Now then, has this discussion provided you with spiritual healing or more confusion and doubt? Do you want to be healed? Those on one side of the argument could and do state that you are already healed and need only accept it as fact. That is absolutely true for some folks. Is it true for you? Are these words causing an asthma attack? (Again, just for example). Peace and tranquility may be a bit premature for you. Perhaps the best course of action for you is to FIRST get rid of the cause of the asthma (or whatever) and then be at peace. Write to me and let’s have a little personal dialogue and deal with your specific issue. Perhaps we can go to the SOURCE together to find out the best course of action for you directly from the SOURCE. Neither theory nor argument will accomplish Spiritual healing… it is from the SOURCE. End of conflict, it is over!

No, you do not need me. But I will share with you my experience and understanding of what I’m shown. How you deal with it will be up to you. You can go to the SOURCE directly right now. If my way of going to the SOURCE, in your particular situation, works we’ll both be ecstatic and you’ll have received something from the SOURCE through me …BUT my ultimate goal is to assist you in being free of the need for any human intervention (including mine) so that you can enjoy perfect fellowship with all other human beings who are open to having fellowship with you. Some aren’t open to it and that is their choice. Let’s not get caught in that conflict because there is no need. Go with the flow, go directly to the SOURCE.

In Freedom,


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