What Jesus Is Teaching (Me) Today – 20

…the end

Write what I tell you.

“It is time to say the truth about truth – My truth is not convenient for people that are bound in another truth that is also of Me. Of course that is confusing because when you are bound to something that is true for you, you do not easily embrace another truth, does that make either the former or the latter truth false?

“Did I not speak through Jay in the flesh these words: ‘I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except by me’ and was I not speaking through Jay when he said, ‘You have seen me, you have seen the Father’ and was John lying when he quoted Jay as saying that the words he, Jay, spoke were not him speaking, but the Father in him; and that the words he spoke and the miracles he performed were not him, i.e., Jesus, speaking and doing, but I AM doing them through him?

“Now then consider, was John lying when he quoted Jesus as saying that any individual would be given the same ability to say and do the things that are not that individual, but Me, I AM, living in whoever would believe enough to also want I AM to take up abode in them and therefore be one with Me and be My beloved children, living in My presence and power?

“Those in (city deleted), just as you and all others in the flesh, are afflicted with selective hearing; I confirmed to you that what they heard was from Me, but they are believing an isolated truth. Does this mean they are wrong or that I AM sending you as a voice of correction? NO! What you will both learn from this is that I not only have them and you in My heart, but they like to quote Bible verses – therefore, give them John 10:16 and let them do their mulling over that, in the LIGHT of it being what I AM have spoken through My beloved Son.

“Now, I want you to be in peace about what I have shown you. Yes you can still go to (city deleted); do I withhold from you what you want? What is it you want, what has been put in your heart more than anything else? YES, and you can also provide another Bible verse to help them continue on in the work I have given them and not to be distracted by the work I have given you.”


I reluctantly had to stop the flow because I didn’t know what verse – and at that moment the phone rang and a brother and I had a refreshing time together; what ended that conversation – I told him I had to go – were these words that he said quickly:

Sometimes you have to plow your own ground.

“I know that you, like I, want what Jesus wanted and said, ‘My meat is to do the will of my Father’ and that doesn’t mean we aren’t supposed to bless those who are on a different path than what you or I have been called to be on, but to not care about pleasing others, but just wanting the Father’s will.

“Over the last several months I’ve been shown that the question you shared with me, ‘what now,’ cannot be a formula except for those who are willing to put all their thoughts and desires on the line each moment.”

I interrupted and told him I had to read something to him and I read the part of the paragraph above that I had just been given: “My truth is not convenient for people that are bound in another truth that is also of Me. Of course that is confusing because when you are bound to something that is true for you, you do not easily embrace another truth, does that make either the former or the latter truth false?”

“Yeah, man,” he said, “I’m finding those who are most resistant to hearing all of what Daddy has to say to them because they are carrying bunches of baggage that have come along with the truth they’ve also received. So they still hear his voice, but only as it fits into their own doctrinal position.”

I said, David, I gotta go and hung up.

“What now, Daddy/Mommy/Spirit, you know my heart …is this ‘meat’ verse the one?” I received the okay to look it up …I’m sure you already know it, (name deleted), John 4:34.

Here’s what came next: “There are millions of people who need to hear the word I have given to your brothers and sisters in (city deleted). They need to renounce their rejection of what I have shown you to do and say so that they do not put up a barrier to the power I AM willing to pour out over them.

“Encourage them to go in the path they have been given, but not to allow selective hearing to cause them to blaspheme against what I AM giving you and for you to prepare for those who I will now open the floodgates to come to you who want My truth, but not the baggage that so many Christians and others insist upon delivering with that isolated truth.

“You are to continue in dialogue with your brother, but going to (city deleted) at this time would be a distraction for you both. Reiterate My offer through you to give him aid to get his book published; you rightly have discerned My purposes.”

I have clarity for this moment, (name deleted) and so do you. To use your words, “I AM PUMPED!” Just like one of the Mormon stories I love to tell, I’ve got my marching orders …starting with a funeral director – who is about to be brought to LIFE!

Thanks for being a vessel of love and grace, my brother, I sense that someday soon we will be brought together for whatever and the sense of that goes beyond my help with the book and your willingness to be Daddy’s vessel to help me when I sense the need for it to come through you.

I renounce everything that is not the desires and purposes of our Daddy and by and through the blood of Jesus I move and have my being.

I love you brother and am watching and waiting to see how all of this stuff unfolds into the perfect plan of which we are both a part.



New Podcast: What Jesus is teaching me part 20

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