Your 21 Day Challenge to Powerful Faith Day 4

Day Four
This is a journal, of sorts, to give Ryan Bruce something written to “post” on this website which will be an accompaniment to the audio recording scheduled for today (he promised to check in with me today) to gauge my progress.

Someones Journey of Faith Arrived Here! Where Will You Arrive?

In this country called Faith, today is the first day of the rest of eternity. This is eternal life which isn’t really measured in days, hours, minutes or seconds. This is the realm of NOW …where there is no beginning or ending, the literal meaning of the term in the original language translated into English as “eternal life.”
From that eternal perspective, twenty-one days is a meaningless time-frame. I’m not sure there is any progress in this realm to measure. Since it is an arena without time, where we’ve passed from sickness and death unto LIFE, I’m not sure how to apply or articulate, at least in any practical terms, what I’ve just learned from the SOURCE …and, frankly, this is a new thought for me. What now, Daddy?
One of the things that have been made clear to Ryan Bruce and Brad Cullen is that we are to dedicate our time, our lives on the physical plane and, yes, with this website, to make a clear call to people to go directly to the SOURCE. What I’ve just been shown is that there is no human explanation, no mental image with which to impart it. YOU must experience it for yourself which means, of course, that there are no guarantees that what you experience will be anything like what I have just experienced.
I have been instructed to share something that is describable with you and that is the mindset with which I was prepared to enter this fourth day: Expectancy.
Expectancy is the breeding ground for experiencing more of SPIRIT. I spoke in the last podcast (#17) of my experience of an immersion, a total saturation of, or being bathed in SPIRIT and what accompanied that experience was a deeply felt assurance that I had received what Jesus described as being “baptized in SPIRIT” with the accompanying ability to perform seeming “supernatural” acts such as healing; and which is significantly different than the doctrinal positions held by (and argued over) between two major segments of organized Christianity.
It is here that I am supposed to write …and apparently prompt Ryan to quiz me about, the fact that my experience was unique to me and that I am not suggesting what experience anyone else will or should have when they go directly to their SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE to receive. This seems like a thorny issue to me and one which will cause a great deal of those who are currently in somewhat agreement with what we post on this website, to walk away from us. Dad says to write it and to expect a huge influx of new folks and not concern myself with those (if any) who leave.
Go to the SOURCE with expectancy that you will receive His/Her/Its unique package of gifts prepared for you. I entered what Ryan refers to as the “prayer closet” this morning with the expectancy that I would receive a new and different “boost” of faith and, oh yes, that is exactly what I received …and certainly more than I can describe.

Where is Eternity... Within You!

For me, it is the first instant, right now, of the rest of eternity… Ryan and I will continue our “twenty-one day challenge” forever. I hasten to add that the English term “forever” was translated from a word in the original language that has more of a flavor of, “for as long as”, …in other words until something changes.
The modern usage of “forever”, which is often defined in dictionaries as “never ending” is not the same thing, nor should it be interpreted that way here. I’m pretty sure that Ryan will pick this apart today …I fully expect it.

In Freedom,

Brad Cullen

It’s fun, listen in …podcast 18 Podcast 18 Aug 9 2010 21 Day Challenge day 4

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