May 12
How to Tap Into the Power Within (Part 2 – 2)
…For Outward Abundance
STEP TWO (for Part II)
An e-mail exchange starts us off… This was in my inbox at 3:15 a.m. in Florida.
Subject: A Great Read for EFT!
That was it, no other comment, from one of my buddies in the Philippines
–just exactly as above– …and here was my exact response:
in many ways, perhaps the “best” over-all read — It is interesting that I opened your e-mail at this particular time — the reason being that I had just asked what the focus should be — and got “STAY ON PURPOSE!”
“My” purpose is not to promote EFT, TFT, NLP or any of dozens of other “modalities” for “self-improvement” what then?
…and away we go (and I clicked on “send”)
Okay, Daddy/Mommy/Spirit (sigh, in alphabetical order) …so what now?
“Continue with the list”
Nor is my purpose to promote “healing,” whether emotional or physical, or “faith” and let’s be CRUDE – whatever in hell that word means to you; nor is my purpose to promote religion or anti-religion (two sides of the same coin).
Okay, I must digress – a mission statement of a large international missionary group: “To know God and make Him known” …I had the audacity to tell the president of that organization that “the mission statement was a lot of fluff.”
Yep, yours truly used those exact words. Why are you not surprised? He was – and responded, “Why do you say that?”
“Because, if you truly know God you cannot help but make Him known.”
What does this have to do with “my” purpose? EVERYTHING …and here it is: My purpose is to share with anybody who really wants to hear it how I went from having the ambition of being a well-known preacher, healer, writer …………… –whatever– to being and operating in the presence and power of the Source of everything, including, “faith” and “healing,” BWOTON (an acronym representing By Whatever Other Title Or Name).
In other words, to transcend (go beyond) all the trappings of these body bags we occupy to BE and be able to say “I AM” – because it isn’t “I” who is saying it, but the very same SPIRIT-PARENT, BWOTON, Who spoke through the mouth of Jesus – and that, my dear friends, according to Jesus.
I have confessed, oh so many times, that the “Brad Cullen approach” took a long, long, long time – and that you, whoever you are, can leave me in the dust by going directly to “BWOTON.” That is the faster, better way – phooey on any methodology, no matter how effective it is – because, when I get hung up on method, I lose sight of my “true identify” which is I AM …and, which so many still miss the point and think Brad Cullen is being blasphemous.
It is you who call me that who are engaging in blasphemy, because Brad isn’t saying it …the same I AM who spoke through Jesus is speaking through Brad. Stop missing the point and start letting “BWOTON” speak through you.
Call it “consciousness” or “awareness” or “realization” – it matters not what you call it, BE – now then (finally), the much heralded, “Great White Light Exercise,” with which to accompany “tapping” …and only if any of this is for YOU: I am merely sharing it as something I was given that helps me “transcend” this body bag and the limitations of its brain more quickly into being in and of the “will” of BWOTON.
1. Get still – quiet in both mind and body – stop all movement and thought – don’t get hung up on that, just demand help to get there, because the human conditions resists stillness and remain still for at least five minutes before attempting to move on.
Here is where “tapping” helped me. Because I had become aware of what I have to refer to as “severe tension” that was, quite frankly, creating all kinds of emotional and physical havoc for me; getting to the point of stillness was not as easy as it has formerly been for me. What now, I asked and was led to the following while tapping on each of the “meridian points” in the order I was given for me ….GET YOUR OWN ORDER, PLEASE!
Speaking aloud: “Even though I am experiencing stress and tension, I know it is safe to release it, as I AM total abundance in and of the SOURCE of everything” (deep breath and deeply exhale) “I let all tension go.” (Then I move on to the next meridian point and repeat the words and the deep breath in then out and physically allow myself to go limp) this I was shown, was “positive tapping.” Once I was still I remained so for several minutes THEN:
2. “I am now seeing and experiencing YOUR bright light and focusing on it so that it envelopes me completely.”
3. “At the center of my being I sense YOUR presence as the shining sun, too brilliant to keep looking at, so rather I experience YOU in me.”
4. “I am allowing total gratitude to overtake every cell and fiber of this body I occupy – I release this as praise for YOUR BRILLIANT LIGHT …I see that YOU are and I am totally thankful for YOUR presence in me.”
5. “I AM a child of YOU, this brilliance and light is ME …I am no longer “i” but have transcended into being in YOU, with YOU and now I proclaim I AM in total inexpressible -in English- gratitude.
That’s it, folks the Great White Light Exercise.
We end this section with an excerpt from chapter five of the newly released, latest Brad Cullen book, Being Jesus.
So, what is the methodology I promised? Quite simply it is the methodology of Jesus, the prayer discipline that he exercised many times a day. Demanding and commanding that what our SPIRIT-PARENT had already decreed to be done in the unseen realm where He/It/She lives and rules be brought into existence in the physical realm in him.
That’s it, the methodology. Do it! That is, continually demand and command that what our SPIRIT-PARENT has decreed in the spirit realm be accomplished in YOU and
keep demanding and commanding that it be done; UNTIL you know it is done and it is guaranteed that you will be Jesus.
Being Jesus is an exciting life, in fact it IS LIFE. Here is what I call a dangerous prayer of beginning:
“Daddy/Mommy/Spirit I want you to take over my life completely. I want to want you to be in charge of everything. Because you have promised this to be available to me, I demand that it be brought into existence. I command every obstacle in my mind that keeps me from YOUR perfect will and life in me be brought under YOUR control.”
That is the virgin birth for you and just as Jesus came into maturity and the fullness of our SPIRIT-PARENT having full control of him, so it shall be for you.
Because you will no longer be in charge of your life …that such a prayer is scary, we can only say, of course. But the alternative is even scarier …living apart from our SPIRITPARENT.
Go for it, begin now.
Now then, this excerpt embodies the Brad Cullen methodology, of which I say that “tapping” and the “Great White Light Exercise” is an “enhancement.”
To answer the many questions I am receiving about what I am experiencing from employing “tapping plus” (hmmmm, maybe that’s what I should call it?) – I’m feeling more energy, and have the ability to reduce tension and stress -of which I have unconsciously made a ridiculous and destructive habit- at will. IT IS SAFE TO DO SO!
What’s next? Join me and let’s experience it together. Thanks for being with me.