May 12
How to Tap Into the Power Within (Intro to Part 2)
…For Outward Abundance
I received the vision for writing this series while transcribing Chapter 36 of the previous series Listening to Voices. Let’s review:
“Do not forsake one truth when embracing another or you lose the force of both. By declaring I AM you become what you declare; you have been seeing the truth of both/and -rather than either/or- …in order to avoid stopping short do not ignore the fact that I AM outside you as well as within. Proclaim BOTH.
“You have seen the folly of ignoring an enemy, yet you have also seen that one way of eliminating an enemy is to deny it existence, but not to deny that an enemy exists.
“Therefore, following-through to ABUNDANCE AND HEALING is a means of slightly adjusting your course without changing your direction. This means that coming to I AM ‘outside’ you is the means of sustaining I AM ‘within’ you. Do not neglect the truth of BOTH declaring and coming.”
I have been pondering as to just how to make the transition between Parts 1 & 2 for about three days. This morning I woke up to a term that has been pursuing me the entire time. “Tension impedes” and “tension hinders.”
I finally asked, what does this mean, precisely and is it the key to moving forward? I received a definitive “yes” and saw clearly that the “pondering” I have been doing has been trying to think my way through the process and it has been creating an enormous amount of stress and tension.
I have long held that “I” don’t write anything of value …when I write in the presence and power of our SPIRIT-PARENT then, what is written, is of inestimable value for healing and clarity. That doesn’t mean everybody who reads it, “gets it.”
Those who do “get it” sense the energy that flows directly from I AM resulting in healing power and spiritual healing.
I don’t understand this intellectually, so don’t expect an explanation in understandable terms. Remember, I have to demand that all the obstacles to receiving directly from our SPIRIT-PARENT be removed before I can get what I refer to as my ego-brain out of the way and into a cooperative mode; and it seems that it is wise for anyone attempting to read what I’m writing in this mode must also deal appropriately with their own array of intellectual obstacles.
Modern medical science has finally been getting in step with some of the healing wisdom of the ancients that produced various methodologies aimed at increasing the natural flow of healing energies throughout the human body.
Proper breathing, proper exercise, proper thinking, proper eating, proper speaking habits are incorporated into any number of these methodologies which include, but are not limited to Yoga, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and other so called alternatives to the Traditional American Medical System.
Higher learning institutions which have medical research facilities within their walls have been embracing parts of all kinds of these “alternatives” and incorporating them into the overall education of those upon whom they saddle with “M.D.” and other such designations.
These institutions have furthered knowledge through experimentation with a variety of placebos and the “placebo effect” of “placebo surgical” procedures which are designed with the sole purpose of making the patient BELIEVE that he/she has undergone major surgery.
One surprising, to me astonishing study, undergone by Harvard and Baylor Medical Schools near Boston and Houston, respectively, proved that the “fake” surgery was MORE effective than actual knee surgery and that over 4,000 “real” knee surgeries over the period of just one year were absolutely unnecessary!
If this bit of information is new to you, I urge you to Google “placebo knee surgery” and prepare yourself for an absolutely mind-blowing experience as well as to initiate a belief pattern to more easily assimilate what follows.
Enter: How to Tap Into the Power Within …For Outward Abundance – Brad Cullen’s combined approach to EFT and Tapping – just one more seeming miracle.
As you already know, one of the things that started me on this incredible journey, is that I woke up to the fact that stress and tension were producing physical symptoms; swelling of ankles and feet; vertigo and other such stuff, at which the distaff person began urging me to go to a doctor, because these (and other symptoms were what accompany any variety of physical disorders increasingly common to folk who are sixty and beyond).
That I love to say I am going on eighty-five because it takes away the shock of being actually in my eightieth year and gives me a full five years to prepare for my 85th year at which I will begin proclaiming that I am going on ninety. My inner demand for honesty produced this little aside.
Anyway, the insistent urging to be seen by a physician was enough to scare me into some dramatic and drastic action – ASKING DADDY WHAT TO DO!
…And here we are, ready, set GO! Part II, Step One coming right up!