How to Tap Into the Power Within 4

…For Outward Abundance

Scientific credibility and scientific acceptability are just words. What is true today may not be true tomorrow.

Step Four

What happened to me needs to be clothed in a reiteration of what may be also true for you, but from my perspective.

EFT and Tapping (albeit under a variety of names) have been around long enough, effectively 30 years, to have stood the test of enough time not to merely be in the status of “the latest fad” …it also has credibility among many in the medical and mental health community who are noted for their scientific research.

Researching information on the Internet serves as a reminder that, for every “expert opinion” about anything, there are literally thousands of other experts who have a different opinion.

The Brad Cullen view is based on a simple test: Does it work for me and does it fit in with my purpose …which is to get my direction for anything and everything from our SPIRIT-PARENT?

A small part of my purpose is to share what works for me, not so that anyone will necessarily copy my application, but rather as encouragement to go to the SOURCE of everything for their own direction.

My expertise, therefore, cannot be accredited, certified or licensed. What I share, I have experienced – and it works for me (period). How will you know if it works for you?

I am feeling the need to be very clear about something: I wouldn’t and didn’t touch EFT, (again, and importantly, under any of its variety of names), until I received clarity from Daddy/Mommy/Spirit, my Healer within, that it was “right” for me.

The side effects for this drug are deadly.

There is no point in arguing with “my” approach; it’s for me – do what you want with it. I am supposed to be sharing it, if it is not for you, it may well be best for you to leave it alone. How do you find that out for you?

I don’t know about anyone else, but I want to scream during those rare times when I watch TV for a few moments and some commercial for a prescription drug comes on – that goes on forever with all the “don’t take” (whatever) without the advice of a physician followed by all the possible side effects including blindness and DEATH, no less.

GOOD GRIEF! No one can take the stuff unless a physician who is duly licensed to prescribe it does so – the question that goes through my mind is, why go on and on for thirty seconds and longer; and so rapidly that none of the particular symptoms register, about the fact that this particular medicating chemical has caused damage to kidneys, liver, heart, bladder, prostate; caused dizziness, headaches, and, again, on and on ad nauseum and could otherwise cause a person to go bonkers?

Couldn’t they just say and put up on the screen: DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TAKE THIS STUFF EXCEPT BY DIRECT PRESCRIPTION, WRITTEN IN YOUR NAME, and BY A DOCTOR YOU ABSOLUTELY TRUST (?) …there that takes less than ten seconds.

A bygone Therapy? Think again, some habits are hard to break.

I suppose the reason they go on and on is because their lawyers want to put on an additional layer of protection against being sued for having their chemicals kill somebody; while alerting everyone of possible dangers, the aim of the ad is to get people talking about the product and encouraging further dependence upon the prescribing physician and asking her or him if the product would be useful for them.

After all that, here’s my own disclaimer:I’m not afraid of being sued, but I do want to tell you that for all my exposure and experiences associated with, and being around, a close friend who happened to be a psychiatrist and, therefore, the osmotic training and exposure to literally hundreds of, in vogue, at-the-time, therapies which may have had some validity way back when, but have fallen into disuse.

That particular psychiatrist picked up from his training an emphasis on continually asking himself: “Whose needs are being met, mine or the patient?” The honest answer to that question at whatever level of mix is BOTH.

To sum up Step Four I want to provide you with a twofold reminder:

1. I wouldn’t touch any “therapy with a ten foot pole, without first checking it out for myself, with guidance from our SPIRIT-PARENT.

2. A therapy is only as useful as the individual receiving it is motivated to get beyond whatever is blocking her or him from living in total emotional, physical and spiritual abundance.

My long winded disclaimer is that EFT/tapping has brought about some troubling effects – Ryan and I are both convinced that, in spite of these, we are being led by Daddy/Mommy/Spirit to continue the practice – we are learning tons of stuff about ourselves that keep taking us back to our SPIRIT-PARENT-Healer within- for specific direction. Such “self-learning” and introspection can be and has created some tension in its own right.

Are we recommending it? The only thing I am recommending is that you go  directly to our (and your) HEALER-SOURCE within and get clarity as to what you should do about anything and everything.

Now I want to let the following testimonial direct you to something you may find useful about “TFT” and the reference being to the work by the acknowledged progenitor of “tapping” Dr. Roger Callahan :

“I have been trained in a traditional medical, psychiatric, psychoanalytic and psychopharmacological model and I can state clearly – If I had only one therapy to use it would be Callahan Techniques® Thought Field Therapy. It’s the best therapy in history!”
…Luanne Ruona, MD, Director, Center for Holistic Therapy, Washington, DC and Alexandria, VA

That’s it for now. See you back here for Step Five (if that’s where you are led to be …and how are you going to find that out?).

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