The 4th Dimension…And the Key to Entering (Chapter Twenty-Four)

Sometimes repetition is needed when the lesson is hard to learn.

(Part 4 of 4 Parts)

Review and/or redundancy …take your pick. But and again, Because of my Evangelical-Pentecostal* training, what I used to think of as “salvation” and please forget not or you miss the import of this part 4 – (please also understand that I need to continually repeat it for myself). The term, again, “salvation,” in the original language means to be reconnected, re-joined to and re-paired with our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE …and that process is completed JUST AS IF we were never separated!

*These labels are a pain because, as with so many other labels, they mean too many different things to too many different people – so you might ask why use them and the answer is oh so simple …because Daddy said to (period).

Note, in a recent phone conversation with Ryan Bruce, he pointed out that “salvation” and “eternal life” were probably the best terms available to them at the time – I would add, now, yes they were and still are for people who want to hold onto that particular mindset.

This group has created UNITY, maybe we should too!

This IS our identity, that is, being re-connected and therefore in UNITY or UNION (if you prefer …or any other English term that connotes being ONE WITH the Creative Spirit BWOTON-) …with Whom we were an integral part in the beginning and by which everything was made that was made.

This also helps me to process what some refer to us as we, occupying as we do, these body-bags, that we’re “co-creators.”

So what are the conditions for being able to accept the prize that we have already won – and which is merely to correctly perceive our true identity and which the 3rd Dimension brain cannot begin to process?

Hold on, this may help somewhat: That part of the brain which is locked in the 3rd Dimension is the CONSCIOUS mind. Our subconscious minds are already and always connected to the 4th Dimension. Train the brain, remember?

Arrogance, hubris, pride …whatever we may call it, is a decision to put our “understanding,” our conscious minds in control. What is a clearly defined truth for me is to trust in our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE (BWOTON) in ALL my ways and not “lean on” my conscious mind.

Being aware that we are already in the 4th Dimension is a tough, but necessary bridge to cross. For quite some time I refused to cross it. Now, I am only talking about my journey because I know what that path has been and Who has led me along on it.

You can become aware any time you are ready.

Becoming aware is available to anyone who stops refusing to step into awareness.

For me, it took “coming out” and away from that hold which organized religion had on me – which was made all the more complex because I was so egoistically attached to it, having the “official” stamp of approval (certificate of ordainment from a recognized denomination) which said I could baptize, officiate at marriages and funerals and otherwise teach and preach …and sat on church platforms denying (lying to myself) that any ego was involved.

Ever since I wrote Treasure Chest (available free as a download and/or at our cost of just under four dollars, plus shipping for a paperback version from Amazon – their list of $12) I’ve seen several other men and women turn their backs on organized Christianity …a small minority to be sure, but some of my favorite true stories are about those who left the pseudo-synthetic ministry of allowing themselves to be referred to as pastors (shepherds) a title Jesus said was reserved for our SPIRIT-PARENT alone …and yes I know I’m being redundant – Dad just gave me an image of a claw hammer and I interpreted it to mean “hammer the point home” and traded it for the real ministry of SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE in them.

Am I saying that a pastor of a local church cannot be used by our SPIRIT-PARENT SOURCE? No, I’m not saying that at all. But I AM saying that in order to become aware of the limitlessness of eternal life NOW, the kingdom of heaven NOW, that parallel universe of the 4th Dimension, “I” had to follow our SPIRIT-PARENT’s direction to COME OUT!

If you would like to read about that process of my “coming out” there are two websites that have carried “Supercomputer” since 2004 when I first wrote it …Ryan did an updated version for which he wrote a publisher’s foreword I’ve inserted below …and the updated version is available on a brand new website managed by a friend in the Philippines.

Ryan also intends to publish this new version and make it available on as well as publish a paperback version which will be available at our cost. Meanwhile I will attach a draft of the updated version to an e-mail for anyone requesting it, FREE.

They made Brad kneel when he "came out of" the church but he was smiling.

Ryan is not in the book-selling business – everything he publishes is available to download free or purchase at actual cost.

The reason I am making such a “push” to get “Supercomputer” in as many hands as possible is because it not only tells the true story of my “coming out,” but demonstrates some of the unnecessary costs to me for my resisting the call for so long.

“Coming out” was my path to awareness …whether it is your path is between you and our SPIRIT-PARENT. Ryan is quick to say that just because I wasn’t aware doesn’t mean I wasn’t already in the 4th Dimension (BWOTON), okay, Ryan, no argument there, BUT I certainly didn’t enjoy the fruits of “eternal life/kingdom of heaven-NOW” until I became aware. That’s my story and my path.

Here’s Ryan’s foreword and with it chapter 24 has finally ended:


Please read this Publisher’s Foreword/Introduction several times. Not because I think you may be dense, but because I am concerned that some readers, just as I did when I first read Super Computer, will miss this very important nugget of information that, to me, sets the tone for the absolute, life changing power of this little book.

Those of you, who have listened to my recorded telephone interviews of Brad Cullen (“Podcasts”) on, have heard me chide Brad often about how I have difficulty understanding some of his articles. In fact, it is why I initiated the podcasts; because when I am having difficulty understanding what he has written I always “get it” after talking him through those areas with which I am challenged.

You will read the following again in chapter 7, but “getting this” right now is extremely important. Please don’t gloss over it, or you may miss the importance of the first few chapters.

Another candid photo of Ryan, introducing Brads latest book at the "Great Authors" convention.

Current scientific thought generally considers the human brain to be the most complex, most dense organism in the known universe. The study of the human brain – by some estimates is more than ninety-five percent incomplete. Experts in the latest computer design and programming field argue about whether computers can ever equal the capacity of the human brain to think.

Many of those who do believe computers can someday equal the capability of the human brain estimate that it will take decades to do so.

The SC does not occupy part of the human brain. It interacts with the human brain in ways currently not understood in any substantive manner.

Now then carefully consider that the SC is not a computer in the sense of being manufactured or even created. The SC is part of the creative process, that is, it is and was from the “beginning.”

Unfortunately some readers may be turned off because of the religious background of the author. He tells the rather remarkable and true story of the several incidents, which I have personally verified, that took place and which led him to formally renounce any affiliation with organized Christianity. The first edition of Super Computer was written anonymously as were many of his other books and articles.

When I first offered to sponsor the website and publish some of his books, I suggested he go back to using the pseudonym he has used for many years.

A bit of my own history will help explain my relationship with and respect for Brad Cullen. In the late 1990s I was being offered the position of Chief Executive Officer for a division of a company headquartered in the West Indies. After exploring the area I realized that one of the drawbacks to accepting the job was that my family would be uprooted from our church in British Columbia.

I shared that concern with one of the Board Members of the new company and said that I felt I needed spiritual mentorship and that I wasn’t sure about having that void, for myself or my family, since there were no churches like the one I would be leaving. He suggested I give Brad Cullen a call. Brad lived and operated an affiliated company in one of the nearby island nations and the Director suggested that Brad, a recently retired church pastor and consultant to the company, might fill the void.

Brad told me two things: One, I didn’t need spiritual mentorship, I needed a friend; and two, that he wouldn’t be that friend because I had a “spirit of religion” and that he basically wanted no part of it.

I went home and prayed about that and sure enough it was confirmed; and since I had been taught how to deal with such entities which was part of the reason I was reluctant to leave the leadership available at our home church… I knew that what Brad had said was true and I got rid of it. Brad and I became close friends and trusted business associates. I found both his spiritual and business insights to be quite valuable.

Brad was ordained as a pastor and went to work with a large world-wide missionary organization rather late in life, compared to most men and women who enter “the ministry.” He did this after his marriage of twenty-five years failed and after a major business failure. Because he felt his reputation was sullied by these incidents he began to write anonymously. I read two of his books that had a big impact on my life.

Since I am the CEO of Spiritual Healing Source (SHS), a publishing company in Vancouver, B.C., I offered to sponsor a website featuring Brad’s writings and publish some of his books. All of Brad’s books we publish are offered free in digital form on the website and printed and bound copies are available at our cost from a division of Amazon books.

I sincerely hope you will enjoy this completely updated edition of Super Computer.

Ryan Bruce

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