Oct 11
“Curse The Good Looking Tree!”
…But Which Bears No Fruit
(Being Jesus Part XVII)
My, oh my, sometimes I cannot believe how slow I can be. For well over twenty years I have been sharing a principle I stumbled onto while researching a story Jesus told in the original language …but that I’ve never before seen the application I’m about to share …until just moments ago.
This morning I began asking for clarity for something I’ve been demanding to take place. Nothing apparent has happened so far. All sorts of reasons have come to mind and I’ve been assured that results are on the way.
Again, just moments ago, as I continued demanding clarity, I also asked if I needed to do anything else.
“Curse the tree that isn’t bearing any fruit!”
Curse what tree? I asked.
The response was almost immediate: “Curse the tree that looks good, but isn’t bearing any fruit.”
What tree would that be …then I saw it and asked if I should write about it since I haven’t walked it out as yet. Okay, I have a green light, so away we go.
First, let’s go over the story, and then we’ll look at the application I’ve just been given (and should have been seeing all these years).
I’ve been hearing different variations of the story for over fifty years; ever since I first began to avow that I was a Christian (which I no longer do – in fact, I say emphatically, now, that I am no longer a Christian. I declare this to whoever is interested simply because Christianity, in all its multitudinous forms, practices many of the very things Jesus clearly said NOT to do).
Without all the interesting background and various interpretations put on the story by many different Bible teachers, here are the nuts and bolts.
Jesus was walking along a road after he and his selected twelve had slept outside all night. He was hungry and saw a fig tree off in the distance. From the narrative it seems apparent to me that he had to go a fair distance over rocks and through bramble to reach it, only to find out that it didn’t have any figs.
He said something that the twelve took to be a curse; evidenced by the fact that the next day, walking at the same point along the road, they saw the same tree …now completely withered.
It was at this point in the narrative that Jesus responded to their excited exclamations, “Look, the tree you cursed yesterday is dead,” by telling them they needn’t be amazed and could actually do the very same thing. Anybody can, he told them and then introduced the term “God-faith” or “faith of God” and which he told them to acquire so that they could do it.
It is this “God-faith” I have been sharing for over twenty years and how Jesus said to go about getting it, with which we can kill trees no less, but I had failed to see the application which our SPIRIT-PARENT has gently let me know I should have gotten all along.
Along this road of walking out this tree-killing faith, it is very easy to be distracted by trees adorned with all kinds of good looking “spiritual” leaves, but that produce no fruit whatsoever.
It is really simple: When distracted from the individual purpose our SPIRIT-PARENT has given each of us, by a non-producing tree …a tree, mind you, that looks good, but contributes nothing to the purpose for which you or I are empowered – kill it! “Nobody shall ever eat from you again!”
That’s it, plain and simple. Being Jesus is not being perfect; remember that he said only One is perfect, THE SOURCE. Being Jesus means, on occasion, being distracted just as he was and dealing with it, by “God-faith.”