Oct 11
Deadly Doctrines of or BY Demons?
Deadly Doctrines of BY Demons
In the original language there is little doubt that the “doctrines of demons” mentioned in the Bible referred to authorship by, as opposed to the interpretation some put on the “of” to mean “about” (demons).
Here is just one example (there are many) of a “deadly” doctrine perpetuated by several Christian denominations. “Demons can’t read your mind.” Rather than argue about that statement, let’s cut to the chase. They don’t have to read them if they instill or plant thoughts in your mind in the first place, do they? That’s why, if they do exist, the doctrines they promote are dangerous.
Now, I realize that some of you reading this don’t believe such things even exist. Frankly, for a long time, I never gave it any thought. I well remember my first conversation with my friend Jim, the psychiatrist, related to the topic. He believed in the existence of demons “because the Bible says they do” was his exact statement.
He also didn’t want to mess with them because of fear. Again, I didn’t give them any thought, until I saw them manifest and there was no doubt in my mind that they were some “alien force” and all too real.
I have come to the place that I refer to them as enemy agents …I have yet to see one that is helpful. They are destructive, some insidiously so, others blatantly.
Some Christians believe that they are the “fallen angels” referred to in Ezekiel, I’m not sure and quite frankly, to me, it makes little difference what they are. Ryan Bruce has some tantalizing thoughts on the matter, but he tends to agree with my “so what” attitude and he certainly knows by experience that they exist!
Let’s ask a reasonable question related to the doctrine that demons cannot read our minds. Assuming for a moment that they are real …and you’ll just have to take my word for it (if you want to), if one of the thoughts they infuse is a belief that they don’t even exist which, to me, is akin to some government propaganda that something proven to be extremely dangerous poses no threat at all – surely you believe that’s true (that is, that government agencies engage in that sort of misrepresentation) then, that belief system that they don’t exist is propaganda, is it not?
That propaganda, I state firmly, is engineered by demons. If you get in a room with a group of us whom have experienced them manifesting, you will probably begin to open your mind to the possibility. Particularly when some of those in the room are rational types with letters after their names, such as M.D., Ph.D. and so on.
Once you’ve seen demons (by whatever other name) manifest, as with so many other things, you believe.
Some folks label their activity and involvement with demons as, “spiritual warfare,” and with good reason – perhaps the old military maxim that it is imperative to know one’s enemy is fitting.
One of the things Jim used as a justification for his fear is the story in Acts about the seven sons of the Jewish Chief Priest, Sceva. The narrative says that they went about casting out demons in the name of Jesus and Paul. One day they ran into a man who had many demons – who said, “Paul we know, Jesus we know, but who in the hell are you? At which they empowered the man to beat all seven of them and not only were they bloodied, he ripped off all their clothing so that they were completely naked.
At the time we “hid behind” this passage to excuse our not wanting to have anything to do with them. We both later became equipped and not only knew the enemy, but understood and used the “weapons of our warfare.”
That’s it. You may want to ask our SPIRIT-PARENT if it is something you even want to think about. I asked and was led to share this.