Deadly Doctrines of BY Demons In the original language there is little doubt that the “doctrines of demons” mentioned in the Bible referred to authorship by, as opposed to the interpretation some put on the “of” to mean “about” (demons). Here is just one example (there are many) of a “deadly” doctrine perpetuated by several […]
Spiritual Medication – An Interlude Since I didn’t know the guy, I thought it was an interesting question: “May I ask what prescriptions you take?” I could have just given my reaction, “That’s none of your business,” but he was really being pleasant and didn’t seem to mean anything untoward by the question. So I […]
What’s The Point? Let’s start there and then grow into something far bigger. Jesus said, “What is the point of calling me ‘Lord’ unless you do what I tell you to do?” Then he went on to graphically illustrate that there is no point whatsoever. What he went on to say is ignored by many […]