You Have the Clarity of Jesus, the Wisdom of Solomon . . .

How much can you absorb by just reading? Maybe it’s time for an experience.

…and others and all at your disposal and so do I – not by reading and learning from the words they purportedly spoke to others thousands of years ago, for situations not nearly as complex as those which each of us face on a daily basis in this “post modern” world in which we live.

Muslims, who miss the wisdom of their Prophet for today, miss it because they study and misinterpret ancient texts. Jews, who miss the wisdom of Moses for today, miss it because they study and misinterpret ancient texts. Christians, who miss the clarity of Jesus for today, miss it because they study and misinterpret ancient texts; the list goes on and on and incorporates every religion known to mankind.

Are these audacious words of an unlearned man (me) meant to imply we cannot learn from ancient texts? That question misses the point because we are able to learn from ancient texts, but what we learn puts us in the same trap about which the man reputed to the wealthiest and wisest in history warned with a different question, “What profit is it to a man to gain the whole world and, by so doing, lose his soul?”


Did Albert really say that…Does it really matter who said it if it’s true?

Here we go with interpreting, but if we expand the foregoing quote to apply not only to material wealth, but intellectual knowledge, we readily become aware that the premium placed on education whether about the arts, philosophy, religion or science is misplaced.


“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”


…excerpt from the interactive course Believing 101 available at the online College of Believing Nothing is Impossible sponsored by YOU WITHOUT LIMITS, an unregistered non-profit

Get more information about the course and how to apply for a full scholarship for you and/or somebody who may want and need to expand their ability to believe and imagine, TODAY. Write



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