For Me and For You

Why are you here?

I was brought (or taken, if you prefer) to the place, just now, of asking: “What are the two most important questions that will empower me beyond any others?” Then to the place that I realized I must share them with anyone and everyone who has the ears to hear and/or the eyes to see.


2) What is the MOST IMORTANT thing I can do RIGHT NOW to activate, maintain and sustain my focus on what is REALLY IMPORTANT, to me, right now?

The answers I received brought me to a place of absolute gratitude, peace, joy and happiness. Before going any further, I suggest that you ask if these questions are for you and, if not, that you waste no further time reading. If the questions are for you, then perhaps the answers I received, for me, could also be helpful for you. If not, go directly, right now, to your SOURCE to receive the answers that are for you.

There are some who will insist that we all have the same SOURCE – which may or may not be true, essentially, but it begs the question that, if it IS true, then why are we fragmented into so many different religious systems and so many subsets within each of those religions – and further, so many anti-religious thoughts and systems?

While I believe I’ve been given a very possible and plausible answer for what is posed in the foregoing paragraph; it is not important that you believe what I believe, but that you come to rest in WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU.

What if your need falls outside any religious point of view and into something quite practical? What if there is a way to tap into this SOURCE and which, for you, has no religious connotation, as some of us tend to think about what the word “religious” means?

Now is the time for you to connect to your Source.

If you want to have my answers to all the above, you can write me at the following address:

What follows might be more appropriate FOR YOU:

A YOU WITHOUT LIMITS free “Workshop” is about YOU…removing limits in your life, through a simple and easy to use process that always brings success, as long as you’re sincerely motivated to remove your limits.

What are limits? They are whatever you have in your life, that limit you from being all that you want to be. This includes physical, emotional, and other perceived roadblocks.

These roadblocks can be conscious or other than conscious. If you sincerely desire a life without limits and can use some imagination, you will get your own personal miracle, every time you practice YOU WITHOUT LIMITS.

Since the workshops are FREE of any cost or obligation you may want to get more information; for that you can go to: and after browsing, if still interested, go to the “contact” tab and get whatever else it is you want to know.

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